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Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

maybe try something distracting @The-red-centaur like a game on your phone such as a word search or a colouring in app to try and focus somewhere else rather then your thoughts

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

@outlander hm. Probably should just get off my phone because I spent the last half hour browsing th*nspo on Tumblr

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

maybe you could ask someone if they could bring a colouring/drawing book and pencils and a word search book to do rather then being on your phone. i know theres not much room in hospitals but usually they have a cupboard you can place some items in when not in use.. @The-red-centaur

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

@outlander I got some colouring books and pens. I'm gonna go log off for the night and go do that.

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

Sounds like a good idea @The-red-centaur

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder



Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

Cant see your pic as yet @The-red-centaur

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

@outlander it's up whenever you get a chance.

@greenpea I hope you had a good party...sorry I couldn't be there but the pics were triggering. Imma just gonna hide in this thread for a bit.

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

@The-red-centaur  we will  talk on this thread :). Hope you are feeling a bit better this morning. I am about to head off shortly. Love peaxxx

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

The Drs are talking about home. I can't deal with that thought tbh. I don't know why.

@greenpea I'm scared how bad my intakes got but I'm too scared to do anything about it.