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Re: Just checking in.

I've had enough trouble with PMS and the joy that comes with it all that I am already dreading menopause @Teej! Seeing the impact it has had on my person has given me a new understanding of how tough the going can be with it. Night sweats suck!

The replay is what I was thinking of when I mentioned stirring things up. Very tricky to stop replay sometimes. Could you write the letter with all the emotions and then rewrite it changing bits as the emotions settle? I do lots of the writing then rewriting thing. I told my psych that I did that a bit and he said it was likes my own version of 'cognitive restructuring' (I felt a bit clever to hear that 😉).

I have not as exciting news but still a bit of a good thing. I read about a third of a book yesterday. It's been so long since my concentration allowed me to read a book and it felt awesome. Hoping I'll get back into it today at some stage maybe.

Re: Just checking in.

@CheerBear I think I will need to. Today in my mess I didn’t get to apologise....well I don’t think I did. I feel like once I do this maybe I can find a way to move on a bit. It was awesome having my friend there as a mediator and helped to control the conversation so I didn’t get out of control. She was the one who pushed it a bit so she could be there to support. I hadn’t asked her to but I’m glad she was there as she did do a good job of it all. 

She kept making things humourous and paid me out lots but for me in a healthy way, there is always lots of endearment too. That humour helps ground me. It’s the way we have always dealt with serious stuff. It works for us. 


Theres a huge woohoo for the reading @CheerBear. That is great news. I hope you get to read some today. 💜


i suspect you are about to start start your day with LF soon so I’ll let you go. Lovely talking in real time. Hoping that all will be ok. 💜🤗

Re: Just checking in.

I hope you are able to find some peace with it all @Teej. We all deserve that one. Humor helps me too, lots. Being able to have a joke and a laugh in a kind way is the common factor in the closest relationships I have with others 😊

It is that time of the day for me. My littles know that things aren't going as well as hoped but they don't know the scary parts. They don't need to know unless there is something to actually know so I'm keeping as much normality going as I can for them, even though it's a totally abnormal time. I can almost feel my head switch between the modes I'm finding myself in at the moment 🤪 (that's the closest I could find to mashed banana scrambled brain head 😉)

I've really appreciated and enjoyed your company this morning. Hurting insides feel better for it, thank you ❤

Hope your day goes well, however you spend it 🌈🌼🌸🌺

Re: Just checking in.

Thinking of you both today @CheerBear @Teej I hope you get some rest in some shape or form HeartHeart

Re: Just checking in.

Love to you both @CheerBear @Teej Heart

Re: Just checking in.

Wow ❣  @Teej ... I know it hasn't returned the world to rainbows and sunshine (just yet) .... but wow ❣ ..... that is huge and I am so pleased for you.  I certainly hope it begins the healing process for both of you. 

And celebrating the fact that you got back into the respite centre with art on the agenda ... Woo-Hoo for that too .....

You know I would be all over this with images, but I am holding back in respect of @CheerBear's situation ..... I know those days .... I had them with my Mum.

Hugs n hugs to both of you .....


Re: Just checking in.

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope@frog@Zoe7





Thinking we could all do this today. 


Re: Just checking in.

@CheerBear Thinking of you too and hoping that you are weathering the storm. 


Many hugs coming your way 💜🤗💐

Re: Just checking in.

Today didn't start too well @Teej but I forced myself to the pool and that has made a difference. I had the pool to myself after everyone left after the hydrotherapy session so I took the time to float around and just BE. It was so calming and just what I needed today.

I have some plans to get things done this afternoon and then head to the beach tomorrow with Toby for a walk on the beach.

Sending you a little light to guide you through the day @Teej and @CheerBear - thinking of you too CB Heart

Re: Just checking in.

I'm so, so sad. I cant fix this one and now it looks like no-one will be able to. My heart is breaking.