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Re: A long rave

Hope you enjoy your tea @Mazarita. Thanks for the chat, it's lifted me up a little.

I'm not far off turning the heater off so that a cat will come into my bed seeking some heat 😁 Fluffball always feels good.

Night ❤

Re: A long rave

Evening @Mazarita if your still around... ill be up for a while if you would like to chat

Re: A long rave

Hi @outlander, I am watching Big Bang Theory. What are you doing? 🙂

Re: A long rave

One of my favourites @Mazarita which episode?

I was reading. Been reading for past 2 hrs and just finished the book. Have 19 on the series though so all good.

How are you going?

Re: A long rave

Great that you read like that, @outlander. There were a couple of episodes. In one, an early one, I think, Sheldon and Penny were kind of at war. She won. In the second, Leonard dates a doctor that Howard first tried to date. All ends well. Smiley Happy

I'm okay. Bit scared of going to sleep, wondering if I'll be able to stay awake tomorrow. Hoping for the best.

What are you reading?

Re: A long rave

Ah yep. They were actually on tv here earlier about 7ish @Mazarita with a few episodes. There was also one where howard was trying to find rhe house with the models too.

Whats got you scared to sleep? Happy to listen ❤

They are teenage books really. Mostly horses, abit if romance and rivalry in there too. Im borrowing them off my sister. They are called canterwood crest. I was readinf the outlander series and they are my favourites but they need a little processing as it is really historical and can be hard to keep up/understand some of the concepts. I need some light easy going reading for now so these are the books of choice. Do you like reading?

Re: A long rave

@outlander, I used to love The Silver Brumby books when I was young. I love the wild horses. I've done heaps of reading in my life of many kinds and I like it when books come to me kind of randomly. I've had trouble with reading for a long time though, meds side effect, I think. Hoping the reading bug catches me again sometime. 

I'm awake at the moment and reluctant to sleep in case I can't wake myself up properly again tomorrow. Scared of how much sleeping I've been doing. But I will go to bed before too long.

Is it physical pain keeping you up tonight?

Re: A long rave

Ive read those and watched the tv series too @Mazarita i love reading but i dont have much concentration either. Thats why i like these ones they are pretty easy going to read books.

Sorry havinf trouble keeping up latley whats happening tomorrow? Hoping you can get some more regularity in your sleep. You did have a good routine there for a little bit.
Yeah abit, teeth are hurting abit and just feel abit under the weather. Really unsettled internally (emotionally) so its all.mixing in making it harder to sleep. Im not a good sleeper anyway. I have been sleeping more though but it is really really hard to get up but i must as i take kids to school

Re: A long rave

@outlander, are you in bed now? I'm thinking I might at least go and put nightie and dressing gown on. That's a step towards sleep.


Re: A long rave

Yeah ive been in bed since 10ish @Mazarita
That sounds like a good idea...