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Anxiety depression

Hi I have no idea where to start I've suffered both anxiety and depression a long time I normally find ways of dealing with it but I just don't seem to be able to anymore it's like it's taking over all I want to do is sleep I really don't know what to do doctors don't seem to listen or I don't think I'm being articulate enough when trying to explain how I'm feeling


Re: Anxiety depression

Hey @Fia, welcome to the forums! Smiley Very Happy I'm one of the moderators, we're here to help support and ensure our community is a safe place for everyone. If you haven't already, it's a good idea to have a read of the community guidelines


I am sorry to hear that you've been struggling, especially in terms of being heard and understood when it comes to your experiences. It can be really hard when you feel so alone, so it's awesome to have you here. Feel free to have a look around and participate in other threads too, and of course let us know if you've got any questions or in need of extra support. Heart

Re: Anxiety depression

Thanks normally I can get in my car and go and for a drive or something but the things I would normally do I can’t because of lockdowns it’s my kids I feel bad for at the moment I feel like I’m failing them

Re: Anxiety depression

Hi @Fia  welcome to the forums. I'm sorry you are having difficulties with your anxiety and depression. I understand how hard it is when the usual way of dealing with things just don't work anymore. Have you thought about seeing a different doctor, you may find them easier to talk to.🌻

Re: Anxiety depression

Hi Fia,

Sorry that your feeling this way and understand how you may be feeling. I find setting myself small achievable goals helps me through the day. Taking things one day at a time is good, if that is too much to bare you can always break that down to one hour at a time. It is important that you have a good realationship with any thearapist, so take some time to find one that you realy feel comfortable engaging with. Take care.

Re: Anxiety depression

Hi Fia,

Sorry to hear you are going through this. It really is hard when you don't feel listened to, and the ways we normally cope don't seem to be working well. What type of support are you wanting? To be heard and feel connected to us? More coping strategies? To hear our own experiences? And it's ok if you're not sure and just reaching out. 🙂

Not applicable

Re: Anxiety depression

Hi there @Karli and @Aniela 


Just a quick tip, if you put an '@' before a member's name they will get a message notifying them that you have posted something for or to them. Just as I have done for you above.




Re: Anxiety depression

Thanks everyone for your responses but everything went to a new low for me yesterday I honestly couldn't deal lucky even with these lockdowns someone came to my rescue and risked the fines and picked myself and my children up and helped get me started back to healing feeling a little better today and kids are happy even though little one has no idea what's happening I always tried to be this super mum but everything got to much because I have never looked after myself never spent even an hour away from my kids in over 10 years (they are my everything) and determined to get healthy again  x

Re: Anxiety depression

Hey Fia

Know your not alone, this has happen to also, seeing a G.P that does listen, I have been living with clinical depression for over forty years, what I did was to find a G.P that listen's and hopeful they will connect you to the right type of treatment you need. Fia have got family or a close friend that will listen to you, it is important to connect with love ones and let them know what you are going through. With me I had to find the strength and never give up, there are some great depression and anxiety programs out there, which was life changing for me. One that made a profound diffence to me, was the Neil Nedley depression and anxiety program and a Therapy that has been life changing for me was CBT( Congnitive Behavioral Therapy). So Fia there is hope for you out there and if I can recover you can too, so keep on smiling and never give up.

Warm Regards


Re: Anxiety depression,@ haystacks


I read your reply to the lady having a difficult time, I really feel for her .

I can relate to what you are saying I have depression at the moment with medication and help I get through it 

This week unfortunately it has come back so unexpectedly .

What you are saying is such wonderful advice I have suffered from anxiety since around 5yrs of age.

I am now 60 it is a long time to feel the way I have.

Now I am older I understand this is a really important topic. I truly regret I ignored myself last 30yrs and soldiered on .

I wish all the best to you and also the young lady you answered to.

While we are young and can grow is the time to address the issues 

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