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Re: Topic Tuesday, 16 December. 2014.... That's a wrap! NOW OPEN

goshdarn, thx hugs sob sniffle

Thanks for your hard yakka nik

and i'm also glad to see ppl new and old flying steady, hitting a rough patch, giving and getting support

Re: Topic Tuesday, 16 December. 2014.... That's a wrap! NOW OPEN

Blushing.. But also everyone else is helping to build community and offer genuine peer support..this a thank you to @Loopy, @Kristin, @justanother47yr, @Kato, @Rick, @Che, @Uggbootdiva, @Chris, @Neb, @Aenoran, @butterflygirl, @Gray, at everyone who has posted, read and shared along the way!! Apologies for anyone I have misspelt!!

Re: Topic Tuesday, 16 December. 2014.... That's a wrap! NOW OPEN

And all of the moderators too!!

Re: Topic Tuesday, 16 December. 2014.... That's a wrap! NOW OPEN

yep, thanks be for the moderators

can't help wondering if the pre-xmas rush or holidays have claimed other participants

or the sydney thing, that kind of set me rocking back a bit 

Re: Topic Tuesday, 16 December. 2014.... That's a wrap! NOW OPEN

And @kenny, @jo, @Happyness, @peace, @jake, @harry..we are so many now and all the great topics, pics and poets! Thank you!!!

Re: Topic Tuesday, 16 December. 2014.... That's a wrap! NOW OPEN

Good point Sandy


I'd love to hear from all those people you mentioned:

@Loopy , @kristin  @PeppiPatty , @kato , @Rick , @chemonro , @Uggbootdiva , @Chris  @Neb , & @Aonaran    


What do you guys feel like your triumphs for 2014 are?


Re: Topic Tuesday, 16 December. 2014.... That's a wrap! NOW OPEN

think it was loopy who said ppl posting have the same problems even with diffrnt diagnoses

Re: Topic Tuesday, 16 December. 2014.... That's a wrap! NOW OPEN

I finished my ECT treatment.

I got some nice responses to some of the posts that I put on the forum and I think I added something positive to some of them. I hope the forum people get a bit more of an idea of who I am.

Biggest achievement of the year is going from no family to a big family on the Sane forum. Thanks everyone.

Re: Topic Tuesday, 16 December. 2014.... That's a wrap! NOW OPEN

not exactly triumphant, but more just steady work and progress

also the commonality, the feeling of being in a community

diverse and dispersed, but still together

Re: Topic Tuesday, 16 December. 2014.... That's a wrap! NOW OPEN

Good on you for percervering through your ECT treatment @kenny66 Was it a hard to make that decision?

You have added something really special to the forums @kenny66 So generous with what you share, the support you give and the understanding you show.