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Re: delusions and how to get over them

of cource @greenpea any time, you're so welcome, you give so much time to so many people here every day.


It's nice you can enjoy mother-daughter time despite the issue in the background. the delusions sound way scary and annoying, I hope you can get some strategies for this.

Re: delusions and how to get over them

@BryanaCamp  :)xxxx You are a nice person to BryanaCamp don't you forget it.

Re: delusions and how to get over them

@greenpea  that is a very frustrating delusion to be having. I can say i have had that one before or something along thoes lines anyway although what got me through that one was mostly the fact that i didnt care if i did get poisioned so might not be applicable for you.... Smiley Sad 


I do have this one though that i cant get rid of no matter what i do well actually there are a few but the most annoying one is the one that i am convinced there is someone who is watching me constantly and will break into my house at any random time to attack me. i always have the doors locked and i am living in an appartment at the moment and there is decent security so that has helped that and not having to search every room in the house for intruders. but it is very difficult i also get "religous delusions" which i honeslty dont know if i consider them real or a result of illness but i figure so long as i am ignoring them like everything else that is currently on fire in my life it will be fine. sorry this probably hasnt been helpful at all but i just worte it all so now i feel compelled to post. hope you are doing ok. 

Re: delusions and how to get over them

@Eden1919  Hi Eden1919 great to hear from you :). I know the intruder one. I always have my doors locked even if I am in the kitchen which is right near the front door and check under the beds in the wardrobes .... too if I leave the door unlocked after moving away out of sight. Luckily for me it is a small place where I live so it would be nigh impossible for someone to hide but it doesn't stop me from being paranoid. 


I am so sorry to hear that you have had the same poison delusion as I have but have not cared if you got poisoned that makes me really sad :(.  Your post has been helpful knowing that I am not alone is helpful. Thank you for your caring. Love greenpeaxxx

Re: delusions and how to get over them

@greenpea  well i am glad it was of some use. the intruder issue is very frustrating and it can be hard to explain why you are looking through all the cupboards and any kind of hiding place to other people but for me i have to know. at least now it is less to look through. i try telling myself there is no reason for someone to be hiding in my house or putting poison in my food but my brain always finds an excuse. 

Re: delusions and how to get over them

@Eden1919  Yep I know the feeling. Totally illogical but the brain tells you anyway so it is hard to dismiss.