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18 Jul 2023 09:39 PM
18 Jul 2023 09:39 PM
Thankyou @NatureLover... yes a little better today. I guess it could be a week until I see anyone again, so it's up to me to get back on track myself. Sleep has been variable, not sleeping some nights, but sleeping in or napping some days, feeling very run down, and losing track of evening mealtime. I'll persevere and trust I'll refind my inner Zen, but it will be hard unless I can address my ongoing anxiety. Keeping occupied is probably key, and refinding hobbies and interests. I seem to have had brain fog for ages. It's taken forever to write this post.
18 Jul 2023 10:47 PM
18 Jul 2023 10:47 PM
Hugs @Dimity
Hearing you struggle. Stigma is insidious. Hope you find nourishment and trustworthy doctors.
I did a silly thing today. Promised myself to listen to a concert, knew people in the choir, and our choir concerts never sell out. Probably get cheaper rush tix. Nup. Got there and they were sold out. Tbh I was not really that miffed, it had always been a possibility. I was glad some choirs get good audiences and this was promising.... Good Luck to them. The theatre nextdoor was empty .. it is only Tuesday night! Under the Spire, had a few interactions in the Music Vault exhibition (Aussie rock and a Judith Durham dress), bought some cake and hopped back on train. Silly Apple. Once at home I booked a couple of tix for a new opera in December ... hope I can get son to escort me then ... lol
20 Jul 2023 07:30 AM
20 Jul 2023 07:30 AM
@Dimity Your sleep doesn't sound good, especially if you're run down. Brain fog is awful. Sorry to hear 😞
Wishing you better days (and nights)...
20 Jul 2023 06:53 PM
20 Jul 2023 06:53 PM
That was a pity about the concert @Appleblossom . At least you caught the exhibition and some cake.
When I was quite young I was devastated to just miss my tram to Yehudi and Hephzibah Menuhin's last Melbourne concert... but maybe it would have been sold out too.
One day I might be able to afford more concerts etc. Gotta unscramble some financial eggs first. Buying a turntable to listen to my vinyl again is a hope... might spur on my reorganising.
22 Jul 2023 09:55 PM
22 Jul 2023 09:55 PM
@Dimity Lovely to read your reply/ Have you read An Exacting Heart ... about Hepzibah in Western District and leaving Australia ...
My mood did plummet even tho not on the actual night. I withdrew from a few more things. Had a little panic attack one day and just could not be bothered the next. Forgot password for the site so did not log in for a few days. So easily going downhill ... I cannot stand hearing myself like that.
22 Jul 2023 10:30 PM
22 Jul 2023 10:30 PM
Hugs @Appleblossom hope you're pulling out of the slump... I've been low myself and felt panicky walking to the shops the other day... but weathered it... but avoided book group...
Haven't read the Hephzibah book but googled it. Looks interesting. Wish I could a. sort glasses and light for reading and b. sit down and relax and focus... I live in hope...
Do you sing on Sundays? Best wishes if so.
02 Aug 2023 12:16 AM
02 Aug 2023 12:16 AM
August. The evenings are lightening. Time marches on. I'm still out of my depth, treading water. Never learned to swim properly so floundering. Feel I should do some goal setting. Socialise. Venture back on the tidying thread. Try to reimagine my days. I feel empty and numb.
It's past midnight, so it's tomorrow already.
03 Aug 2023 08:08 AM
03 Aug 2023 08:08 AM
I wonder if the empty and numb feeling is because you recently unearthed some trauma?
Wishing hope and strength for you... 💚
03 Aug 2023 09:55 PM
03 Aug 2023 09:55 PM
@NatureLover you asked "I wonder if the empty and numb feeling is because you recently unearthed some trauma?"
Could be. It wasn't any one thing, more remembering different stuff and feeling resonance.
04 Aug 2023 08:52 AM
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