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Re: I just can't.

Listening to music is a good way to pass some time @The-red-centaur You are not crazy buddy - it is just your voices and low mood that are making you feel this way tonight. Keep chatting to us here - a good way to keep occupied. Do you have some colouring in you can do while listening to the music as well - sometimes helps to keep your hands occupied and your mind on something else.

Re: I just can't.

@Zoe7 I don't really feel up to it.

Re: I just can't.

Yeah I know how that is @The-red-centaur Some days are worst than others hey and nights it can feel like the world is squeezing in on you but you can't get the motivation or energy to actually do anything. It totally sucks!

Re: I just can't.

@Zoe7 everything seems too pointless to try

Re: I just can't.

That is a tough place to be tonight @The-red-centaur but that feeling will pass eventually - even though it doesn't seem like it right now. Totally sucky feeling though. How have you been sleeping?

Re: I just can't.

Can you draw in your room @The-red-centaur ?  You sound like you  could do with some serious distraction from those thoughts.  Are the staff aware that you have a lot of internal dialogue going on ?

Re: I just can't.



Did this painting to try and cheer myself up. 

Re: I just can't.

Way to go @The-red-centaur You did something really constructive and that you enjoy to help yourself Smiley Very Happy Love the image - anything with water in it I really like Smiley Very Happy

Re: I just can't.

@Zoe7 thanks.

Re: I just can't.

I'm scared about going home tomorrow