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Something’s not right


Going around in circles

I relapsed with AN at the start of the year and had a really rough few months. More recently I’ve had a reoccurrence of night eating syndrome and also some really chaotic periods of eating and I’m really struggling with it because it means my weight has gone up and now I feel like I can’t start making recovery choices because the ED is so loud about the weight gain.


TW: ED behaviours

Content/trigger warning
So now I’m stuck in a loop of heavy restriction followed by being out of control around food and back to restriction.

I know the only way out is getting my meal plan back on track but the ED won’t let this happen. I feel so stuck, has anyone got any helpful advice? TIA 💜


Re: Going around in circles

Hey @Ghostrider I'm sorry that things with your ED have escalated and become quite overwhelming. Do you have much in the way of mental health support? Could be helpful to work through things with a therapist, someone to help you unpack it all and help you find some other ways to cope. You can also always give the Butterfly Foundation a try. 


I hope that you can find your way through this rough patch 🤞


Re: Going around in circles

Hi @Ghostrider 


How are ye feeling today, hope this finds you well.  Have to admit that I don't know much about AN and the impacts it has on your relationship with food.


You seem very self aware and what plan of action you should follow, so how's about trusting yourself on this one.  You know what to do, have faith in yourself  and take care......Asgard

Re: Going around in circles

Hey @Ghostrider 


Sorry to hear that it's been a rough few months. As @Jynx mentioned - is it possible to seek some mental health support? In addition to seeking some support my suggestion to you would be to set small, achievable goals working toward your recovery and then celebrate each little victory as you achieve those goals. Do you think this is a possibility? I think it's important to remember that recovery is a process and it's ok to have some set backs along the way, but by setting small, achievable goals you can move your recovery forward. 

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