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Re: Contamination thoughts

@rav3n sometimes when someone tells you not to do something, you want to do it even more 🤭

I eat through the concealer, so it doesn’t last long. Inika’s mascaras do dry up, probably because they are natural and organic. I do like how their mascara are sensitive eye friendly.

I feel like prayer can be effective even in small blocks. Sometimes I feel too overwhelmed to concentrate for longer periods of time, so I may do a bit with breaks in between

Re: Contamination thoughts

exactly 😅 @creative_writer 


ahh i see, i've had the same concealer for 5 years 😂 i use more bb cream recently cos my skin can't take too much makeup anymore. i need to get my hands on some sensitive eye-friendly mascara too!!


that's good idea about breaking it into small blocks - i think the concentration part is what i struggle with too, and it doesn't help that my family forgets im praying and decides to yap at that exact time 😅 anyways im heading off now, hope you rest well & that you're eye gets better!! 

Re: Contamination thoughts

@rav3n I get sensory overload from too much on my face. Eye sensitive makeup is game changer. I have very sensitive eyes, though I still never line my waterline, only lash line.

Concentration doesn’t come naturally to me. Sometimes I get frustrated because of how bad my attention span is, but I am trying to learn to work with it. Doesn’t always work but I suppose it’s a learning process. I think stress added doesn’t help. My psychiatrist wasn’t in favour of stimulant meds because of my bipolar (which isn’t fully under control). While I'm feeling better now, earlier today I was in a bad headspace and found myself wanting to do “X” to end it all