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Something’s not right

Contamination thoughts

Re: Contamination thoughts

I’ve taken another PRN, the agitation is settling slowly but I’m still not feeling great. Getting contamination thoughts and SH and SI. I’m safe, I’m at uni. I’m wearing my blue light blocking glasses. My eyes are feeling sensitive from the migraine

Re: Contamination thoughts

@creative_writer sorry to hear that these thoughts are such a battle this week, it sounds like you're doing what you can to make it more manageable at the moment which is good


Do you have a long day at uni today?



Re: Contamination thoughts

@Ru-bee I had a busy day this afternoon. Had two classes. Had a lunch. Add the travelling on top of that. It takes more than an hour to get to uni and back.

Feeling pretty migrainey and burnt out.

Re: Contamination thoughts

I am struggling. What more there is to say.

I’m safe, though a part of me wishes I wasn’t

Re: Contamination thoughts

Hey @creative_writer I'm here with you


Has something happened today or is it the same thoughts that have been coming up?

Re: Contamination thoughts

Hey @creative_writer ,


Sorry to hear you are so low. 


Can you go for a walk in the sun for a bit?

Re: Contamination thoughts

@Ru-bee I am experiencing inner rage and my thoughts won’t slow down. When I feel the agitation settling down, it comes back. Surely you shouldn’t keep needing PRN for settling this each time.

@tyme it’s overcast where I am. I don’t think sunshine is going to help, more likely make me more agitated. I wouldn’t go out without sunglasses since I’m hypersensitive to light right now. I feel like I should get out (with sunglasses of course) but have no motivation

Re: Contamination thoughts

It seems like you have been quite low for a while now. Can you think of anything that will break the cycle? @creative_writer 


Do you think you need a hospital admission? What do you think will help YOU right now.


It is hard to see you wallowing in this dark place. We hope you are able to feel supported.

Re: Contamination thoughts

@tyme I’m not sure if I’m at the point of hospital admission. To be honest I can’t get to that point anyways, it wouldn’t go well with family. I also hate hospitals, they’re so bright and loud.

I’m not sure what I need. Maybe a PRN would be a good place to start and it may clear up my mind afterwards. It’s hard to think right now

Re: Contamination thoughts

Are you able to contact psych triage @creative_writer ? Maybe they can offer some community supports?

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