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Senior Contributor

Today's topic is:

Hello wonderful people.

Today's topic: a deep dive into a unique and totally random topic. 

This thread is for distraction, hopefully fun and informative as well. 


I'll try to post regular topics to just have fun with and random conversations to get us out of our heads and maybe learn something too. 


Re: Today's topic is:

I started this for @Former-Member and everyone else



Today's topic is......drum roll please..........




Re: Today's topic is:

Did you know that in nsw alone they grow over 20 different types of potatoes. 

Re: Today's topic is:

Potato fact: There are some 5,000 potato varieties worldwide, 3,000 of them in the Andes alone — mainly in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, and Colombia.


Potato fact: yummmmmmmy

Re: Today's topic is:

What is everyone's favourite way to eat potato. 

I love an Indian aloo curry. Southern style is my favourite. 

I like to make potato curries but mine isnt properly authentic. 

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Re: Today's topic is:

@The-red-centaur ok now I have the Mr potato song from peppa pig stuck in my head 🤣

Re: Today's topic is:

love it! thanks for this thread @The-red-centaur @Former-Member 


potato's are one of my favourites... they're so versatile - hashbrowns, wedges, potato gems, potato cakes, my makes an amazing potato fry, mashed potatoes, there's this indian dish called masala dosa (its like potato stuffing in a crepe-like thing)... THERE'S SO MUCHHHH

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Re: Today's topic is:

@rav3n i love doing potato bakes, also enjoy doing mash potato with sweet potato together. Yummy. 

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Re: Today's topic is:

@The-red-centaur never knew there was so many different types. Very interesting. 

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Re: Today's topic is:

@The-red-centaur @rav3n  random fact. In 1995 potatoes became the first food to grow in space.