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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

OMG @Crazy_Bug_Lady, that is so awesome, i wish i could stop, mine is getting so out of control, i am so scared i will never be able to stop, it is happening several times a day now.


You are so awesome, keep up the good work, i hope you make it another 6 months. 

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

That's an awesome achievement cbl well done
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Dinner - just had 1st course - brussel sprouts sauteed in vegetable stock with diced capsicum, onion, garlic & chilli. 2nd course of baked potatos is on its way!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I have had one or two "hiccups" I'm choosing not to count. I have had a few occasions where I've fallen back to SH, but I figure as they were one offs I wouldn't count them as relapse.

I figured if I reset my counter every time I had a minor slipup I'd never keep it up.

I am completely amazed that I've made it this long. I have had times where I've been desperate, where I've thought of suicide, and yet somehow still not SH'ed majorly.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Mazarita, the pie sounds lovely! Great job on reducing the smoking, thats a great accomplishment!


@Former-Member thats great! you've inspired me to give it a try! Good on you for doing it twice a week for two months. Have you noticed a difference? Your dinner sounds delicious too by the way.


Hi @Former-Member I hope you are having a good night Smiley Happy


@Crazy_Bug_Lady that's an amazing milestone! Congratulations Smiley Happy I'll definitely have some cake with you to celebrate!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

OMG I love baked potatoes with roasted garlic, yyyuuummm. dinner sounds really nice @Former-Member
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Crazy_Bug_Lady Well done - keep being kind to yourself!

@Former-Member - Yes, yoga & the routine of going twice a week has helped improve my mood. 

Well done on the smoking reduction Maz! 

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member thats great to hear! I love yoga myself its a great stress reliever for me, good for physical and mental health Smiley Happy

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Goodnight everyone! Thanks for the company while re watching season 1 of The Americans. Hope everyone has a good or at least 'okay' weekend....



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello everybody

I missed Friday Feast as I went to christmas breakup but still wanted to drop by ... late as usual ...

btw I also have a frizz ... and do home haircuts .. no fancy training though

.. and it probably shows.Woman Embarassed