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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I love hearing about people making healthy choices. @Former-Member is eating healthier and @Jacques has quit sugar. It's good to hear people are looking after themselves.

@Jacques I started cutting down the amount of sugar I put in my coffee, I got down to half a sugar, but have been stuck there for about 2 years now! Getting over the bitterness is hard!!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @PeppiPatty. Hope you're going good. It's steady as she goes here. Cat Wink

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hi @CherryBomb 

I dont have sugar in coffee, try very hard not to eat sugar until about 6 at night. But ,its winter. Its hard. My husband, bless his cotton socks .....has about 3  sugars in his coffee ..........and he loves snake lollies....

I try to eat things like vitawheat 9 seed crackers, peanut butter with no sugar or salt, only dark chocolate, 


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

anne's ssplutterring in shock here.......but but  @CherryBomb. ...what about chocolate........lollies and and cream on coffee ? 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

dont tell me chocolate for you either? My mouth is right open in surprise.....

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes @CherryBomb I found it really hard to get off of sugar in my drinks! But i ended up going cold turkey from 2 spoons - took about 2/3 weeks before I liked the taste again (without sugar!) but couldnt go back to it now!! I was doing a big sugar elimination at the time though! (about 8 years ago now! AGHH!)


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Probably won't like me saying this but I'll eat anything and everything and I'm still shredded hehe
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb oops just caught up on the last few pages 😄 (coming and going getting short little people in bed) 

Im doing a metabolic diet thing thats supposed to be in tune with my body.. so high protein/low carb. And its going ok! I even managed to get in some interval training today! and felt good doing it! so got to keep it up now and do something everyday.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

sorry that sounded worse than what it is. I just feel tired a lot of the time  i think i could do with a holiday. we havent had one that has been more than a week for over 20 years. or is that being selfish? 

i often think that it would be nice in our community to have some where that people who need to get things off their chest could meet and talk. without it being a place that has a stigma attached to it.

Exercise is great, even when you dont want to if you can push yourself that little bit to do some, you always feel better after.


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@dhr53 Yes, I agree about the meeting spaces! When i visited China I was so amazed by their tai chi/games parks. People just go and join whatever activities are going (don't need to know someone or be in a group... just have to turn up!) and its just a part of their culture to speak to strangers/join in.. in those spaces. And they were always busy!