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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Your evening meal looks delicious @CherryBomb and enjoyable and tasty looking. My meal was a cheese and herbal omelette as I am on a revised eating program to lose some weight under my GP's advice. Have a really pleasant evening and this goes for other forum members,too. Cheers and hugs to one and all. Best wishes - Bimby2.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

thanks @CherryBomb that looks delish!

I am making fish curry which might end up tasty but no photos as I am sure it will look like stodge.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Lovely @CherryBomb, sounds much nicer than the microwave dinner I just had. Cooking and washing up was just all too hard tonight. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@jiggered fish curry sounds amazing! Yummy! Are you making it with coconut milk?

@Bimby2 thanks for popping in, will you hang out with us for dessert?

@Determined How are you? I've been enjoying your jokes that share here and there. What type of microwave dinner did you have?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Too excited about the pizza to type .... โฃ

Yes please @CheeryBomb ..... and I will happily share my lentil and quinoa casserole with you .....

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi all 

pizza sounds good


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Chicken Kiev and veg @CherryBomb, wasn't too bad as far as microwave dinners go. Certainly beat cooking and cleaning up tonight. Been a long day. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast



hi everyone,


i thought i would bring a vegitarian pizza for the non meat eaters, i had pizza tonight, had an up and down week, supporting myself and my own mental health as well as my grilfriends low days, it was a challenge but rewarding. 


i have been reading some messages. and have been sleeping a lot, i seem to be always tired and struggle to stay awake for more than 2 hours lately.


hugs to all my forum friends



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Fridayitis .....

That would be @CherryBomb ..... ๐Ÿ˜†

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Determined sounds pretty good! I hear about having quick meals. I often have two minutes noodle when I can't be bothered. Takes me back to high school days.

@Former-Member How are you? 

@Faith-and-Hope yes please! Would love some that vegetarian goodness that you've got cookin' over there.

Good day @Jacques, I should have mentioned that my pizza is veggo, but the more veggo the merrier. That said, I'm sure we can add some virtual meat to those wanting some protein! That's no good about feeling tired. This could be a symptom of a mood disorder, or just having a very exhausting week, and it could also be a mixture of the two.

What is everyone up to this weekend?