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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sounds as if you've got a fabulous weekend ahead of you @Shaz51.
Have a wonderful time and enjoy all the fun and memories. 💕🎶

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Zoe7 Oh wow, you found a picture of Myrtle, my third cousin twice removed on my mother's side. Yes, she always was the dancer in the family...although notice she isn't wearing any shoes - See, I told you dancing shoes don't fit well on turtle flippers! Smiley LOL

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shaz51 You aren't a gardening fan? I love it. I only have a tiny garden though. I really need someone else's garden to play in.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Everybody has fallen silent. Have you all slipped into a food coma after eating too many of @Former-Member's cookies and brownies??? Smiley LOL

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

food coma.jpg

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I decided i needed to sit and observe and ponder @Phoenix_Rising. So I'm still here. Just at the back eating my lemon gelato straight from the tub

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member Straight from the tub is the ONLY way to eat lemon gelato!!! Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

No @Phoenix_Rising,

@Former-Member has been followering me around the threads HeartHeart

I will have to get back to gardening one day xx

Thank you @Kurra, will keep you up to date xx

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ok, well I think maybe I am slipping into a food coma after eating too many cookies and brownies...either that or it's just my bedtime. Thank you for another wonderful evening here at Friday Feast. Night all. Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

lol @Shaz51

you posted a thread that i thought i could help in, wasnt following you haha. i didnt think that thread would go off like that lol