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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


we had pizza too @Shaz51. easy friday dinner. TGIF! 

only just survived this week!

any nice plans for the weekend anyone? 



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

 we had Hawanian and  supereme  left overs xx @Shimmer

Happy birthday @Lostboy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Former-Member, it is great to see you my friend xx

how has your week been

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Shimmer

Feeling OK today everyone. A very full on week supporting a friend and my girlfriend. I made sure I cared for myself too. And it seems I was a good support for both of them.

Thought I would bring chips tonight. A little indulgent.

Hugs to everyone.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

it was a loooong week @Shaz51 i'm so glad that its friday and i dont have to face school tomorrow. 

Hi @Jacques so nice to see you 🙂 glad that you are recognising what a wonderful friend and support you are to people. hugs! also even more glad to here you are looking after yourself! 

yum chips will go well with pizza! 

but i'll have some yummy korma first 🙂


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shimmer. My boy and I had pork schnitzel with mash potatoes and vegies. Boring. But tasty.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @utopia

your dinner sounds yummy xx

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Shimmer....

Thanks for the mention....

I'm not exactly sure what my partner is making - he is being mysterious, but he has spaghetti & just grounded cashews & is now blending them with tofu - Oh my - I'm so excited - we haven't had a nut sauce pasta dish for so long ~ as they are high in fat & he wants to lose weight (I want to lose a bit of weight, but don't need to at all - just my eating demons talk to me... )Anyhow, I usually eat the most at dinner time & now I'm really excited!! 

Hi @Shaz51 Heart

Hi @Appleblossom & @Jacques Heart Heart - sorry I didn't respond - I don't find waiting rooms anxiety provoking usually - the panic & anxiety was due to many more needles than normal, the crunching sound - OMG - shudder (never had a tooth out & no one thought to mention that to me... probably doesn't freak others out!), the amount of time it was taking & the fear of side effects after.... so yeah - I had to go back today - I have dry socket in the bottom... so yeah still in pain... part of me wants to put myself on the "12 month waiting list" (in reality will be longer) for the last 2.... 

@Appleblossom I hope the volunteer job works out for you & I am really glad things have settled somewhat Heart

Ahimsa (another yogic term - do no harm) ~ Namaste,


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

its so cold here, your dinner sounds perfect @utopia 

how are you?

Have you got much planned for the weekend @Shaz51?


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member and @Former-Member

Yes it is nice to stop in for a moment. I do miss you all but I am having problems sleeping lately so I am all over the place with what I do..

Hope you have a ll had a good week. Sorry it was so traumatic with the tooth @Former-Member but it is done now