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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Your a champion @MDT 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

You too brother @Bill16
Stay classy my man

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Gday fellas @Jacques @MDT what are you blokes up to today?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@MDT @Jacques 


I was only thinking about that song the other day and could not remember the title or singer.

So thank you both

Snap Jacques...great minds think alike


Good luck for Monday.

I think that most of us go through the nerve thing with change.

Very successful people have nerves on first days; pre seminars etc.

Singers before performances.

Nervous energy; adrenaline can work in your favour.

Go Hams

All the best


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hanging out with gf @Bill16
Taking it easy aye
How about you?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Cheers! @Sophia1
You're a legend

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hey Mr @Bill16 doing ab it of gardening today, had to replant 2 plants, the pots where old and about to brake. also had to top up some pot plants and move my gardenia's back out into the sunshine. 


did a little work on the bike. polishing each spoke, it is going to take me a while. i managed to remove the front wheel bearings. ready for the new ones. still no rust, i am so so lucky.


what have you been up to mate.


hi @Sophia1 yes the sunscreen song is good. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hey @MDT it is a good poem, it was written by a man during the WWII era, from what i can tell the poem is about god and his wishes for you and the life you lead. 


the passage “Nearby is the country they call life. You will know it by its seriousness.” this is what i could find about it. i did feel it had to do with the afterlife. 


Remember that the kingdom of God is in your midst. It’s in you. Pour yourself out in this life, for it is an image of the next.


the breakdown of this poem and it;s meaning is here. 


god and spirituality is difficult for me, because of past abuse and my feeling on god/gods i don't believe in an afterlife. but i do know some people do. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey mate thanks for the analysis @Jacques
I really like it.
Yeah I'm the same about afterlife and spirituality and God.

I hope you had a good day dude

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast