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Re: Good Morning!


The card I'm going to base my deck around @greenpea 😂

Re: Good Morning!

@The-red-centaur  the pic hasnt come up as yet so hopefully wont take long :). Cannot wait to see what it is have no idea lol.:)

Re: Good Morning!

@The-red-centaur  Awesome it has just come up! He reminds me of Diablo lol that I used to play all the time 😄

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  Hey TABs!:D

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB s Hey TABs!:D:D

Re: Good Morning!

.. GP .. @greenpea  been tossing and turning, gave up and got up

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB s Me too! I am sitting here at the computer blasting 'streets have no name' by U2 through head phones :p. Glad to see you 🙂 . Maybe you can have cat naps later.

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea Diablo 4 comes out soon 😆😆😆

Re: Good Morning!

haha sure its not 'Werewolves of London ' feel crap here, it's colder than been in ages but was waking cos too hot? @greenpea  yes nic to see you too

Re: Good Morning!

@The-red-centaur  Yes it should be an awesome game :D. I need a faster computer to cope with it though .... mabye in the future :). I loved the original Diablo did all the characters. Had the most dark atmosphere of all the Diablo games. loved it.