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Re: Share a cuppa?

Sorry I left early yesterday, it was rude of me. Anyway it looks like everybody is still on the way. Might pop back later

Re: Share a cuppa?

Ah look the sun is peeping into the cafe. It's shedding light onto the newspaper.

@Shaz51 @Oaktree 

Re: Share a cuppa?

I got the new jacket at the right time eh

Re: Share a cuppa?

Morning @Stout , @Oaktree , @Ainjoule ðŸ˜Š


Sorry for yesterday @Ru-bee ðŸ¥°

Re: Share a cuppa?

Morning @Shaz51 How are you feeling today? Still feel flu-y?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Morning @Shaz51 @Ainjoule @Stout 



Re: Share a cuppa?

Morning @Oaktree ðŸ˜Š

Re: Share a cuppa?

Made a doctors appointment on Friday @Ainjoule because I think I might have an ear infection now to go with the coughing 

@Oaktree , @Stout , @Abner 


 in my garden 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Oh no @Shaz51 hope your gp can help clear this up for you. Bit of a rough start to retirement, but hopefully it's all up from here!

Re: Share a cuppa?

@Shaz51  Oh no, an ear infection is no good. And your flower is gorgeous!

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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