02-10-2018 04:06 PM
02-10-2018 04:06 PM
I did laugh at the expense of my sister who tripped in my garden trying to pull lemons off the tree. She was ok - she didn't fall but did this little spin move that could have been at home in the circus or on a dance floor - it was funny because she really has never been a dancer either @Mazarita She did get the lemons lol
We are definitely harder on ourselves than others are at times and need to recognise when we are going ok - so well done for doing that yourself Hon
For me one of those measures is returning to work - still not sure when that will be but the process is in motion - a lot of what now needs to be is up to HR and my GP to discuss.
07-10-2018 06:35 PM
07-10-2018 06:35 PM
Just checking in @CheerBear. Not sure if you are around. I read that things are really wobbly in your world with things out side your control. Wondering if you are around for a chat.
07-10-2018 06:43 PM
07-10-2018 06:43 PM
Hiya @Zoe7. I’ve had a quick look to see you’ve had a pretty productive day. Mine not so much. Will try a bit later to do the mountain of dishes (mostly not mine but it’s crazy time at uni so they is frenzied eating followed by leaving it all there). It will get better soon, only a few more weeks until completes her degree and my son will be mostly done with a few electives next year. This is his worst semester as far as intensity goes.
I hope you can get the ball rolling with work again soon. Do the kids go back this week? We have another week of school holidays.
07-10-2018 07:03 PM
07-10-2018 07:03 PM
Another week of school holidays here too @Teej Hopefully the weather will stay nice and I can get to the beach again this week. Have my last session of DBT for the current module this week then a week off until we start again. It will be good to have a break whilst things are still being sorted out with work. My GP and pdoc are away for another week so I just need to wait. It is giving me more time to do a few things at home = now that I have a little energy to do them (some days I do anyway). I know going back to work will be tiring in different ways - so I need to be prepared for the first couple of weeks to be not only exhausting but most likely triggering as well. I feel like I am dealing with those triggers a lot better now though.
I remember those times at uni - eat on the run and when you could. The washing up can wait - I have mine to do too but that is not a priority right now.
I am hoping to wait a little tonight but the day is getting away from me quite quickly - see how I feel over the next hour or so.
07-10-2018 07:22 PM
07-10-2018 07:22 PM
Message for @CheerBear ...,
I missed your post the other day ..... I am slowly making my way back through posts I missed cos things sped up to hurricane-force there for a few days ..... just all hands on deck rather than too much going wrong ......
I wanted to acknowledge your feelings and questions regarding your little fish ..... not for the mention of ED although you know that is big on our landscape, but for the fact that I missed it with my S2 before he was in deep water and struggling to swim or even float ..... your questions were my questions ..... the confusion and distress are tangible, but you are doing all you can do ..... modelling the taking of forward steps in the day you are in. Whether we miss things or not ..... they can happen ..... and even the not missing things, like I have not missed the things happening with my mr., doesn’t mean they would have been resolved by early noticing. I have come to learn that once germinated, some things will grow in a certain direction irrespective of whatever we do to try to change them, because the bearer of them is doing the growing, and we are on the outside of that.
What we we can do is keep loving, keep supporting, take them to the psych appointments (if they are not a full grown man with no insight) and keep modelling whatever you can that is pointing / moving in the right direction. Germination requires the coming together of a set of circumstances, often things we are not even aware could lead there, and can be present without ever leading there ..... so please don’t hold yourself to guilty feelings. You have only ever done the best you could do, because that is who you are ..... and it’s flagged now .....
Mega-hugs and walking with you ......
07-10-2018 07:32 PM
07-10-2018 07:32 PM
Am heading out to take my poor dog @Zoe7 for a walk. It’s been another day where he has had little stimulation and is crying out for some . Will catch up later because I have something to ask you......just minor things about how you cope with stuff.
07-10-2018 07:33 PM
07-10-2018 07:33 PM
I'll be around @Teej so ask away - happy to help if I can Hon
07-10-2018 11:12 PM
07-10-2018 11:12 PM
08-10-2018 09:24 AM
08-10-2018 09:24 AM
Hey @CheerBear .... sounds like you are doing an amazing job of hurdling the unexpected issues in the moment ..... really important that you loosen the cap ever so slightly on those bottled volcano insides occasionally to manage long term, but that is exactly what you are doing by giggling at memes and jokes .... the body speaks a different emotional language to the brain, I have found, and you can experience physical symptoms you didn’t anticipate ....
There is a cartoon called Heart vs Brain or something similar. I will see if I can find it for you.
Hugs n hugs ..... 💜🌈💐💕
08-10-2018 09:57 AM
08-10-2018 09:57 AM
Thank you again @Faith-and-Hope. You are fab. It's so helpful to feel your calm and experienced presence 💗
Love that you mentioned hesrt vs brain. I've been a fan for a while as I feel that push pull between them both. Over time the writer has added in other parts, like gut, making it even more relatable I think.
This one has been me, and I imagine many others here, lots
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