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We need urgent advice please

Hi everyone.

I have an Aunt who suffers with serious mental health issues (depression & anxiety).

She is also an alcoholic & misuses her medication.

She has been hospitalized previously for misuse on her medication which put her in a trance for two weeks where she couldn't speak- just making noises, couldn't understand anyone. I've never seen or heard of anything like it. She was just constantly mumbling gibberish.

She has absolutely no memory of this episode.

She buys spirit's (alcohol) and drinks a large amount straight with her medication and wipes herself out. She becomes a mess. 

She previously has wrote her car off crashing into a tree high range, had a breathalyzer in her car but recently got caught driving her bosses car with no breathalyzer high range. She was granted bail. Waiting her court date. 

Her father is passed & her mother in a home with dementia. So my father (her brother) is housing her otherwise she'd be homeless. She has no other family she can stay with no husband no children.

My dad has reached out to me, expressed his at a loss as to how he can help her!

His been to AA classes with her in the past. He tries the best he can to help her in every which way possible and unfortunately nothing works. Matter of fact - the situation is getting worse, she is getting worse and it's causing him a great deal of stress. For him and his partner.

I know some people can just cut people out for their own sanity unfortunately this isn't a situation where we can do that because the situations she gets herself into if she isn't with him is so much worse then becomes a bigger issue for him. 

And not to mention the situations she puts herself in if she doesn't stay with him are very unsafe.

He doesn't know what else he can do?

Depending on court, she could end up in jail. But if she doesn't, he can't continue on like this. He needs his life back, he can't be and shouldn't have to be responsible for her. The affect its having on his health and mental health is a big concern & we just don't know what else we can do?

Does anyone have any advice for us?

She'll go to a doctor, she'll go to course's, but they haven't changed anything. They only make small improvements for a small amount of time. She needs to be admitted! She needs to live in a monitored environment that specialises in this particular situation. With ongoing support and professional care. She isn't responsible enough to live freely amongst society with her alcohol and medication abuse, it's a real worry! How do rehabilitation places work? Do you admit yourself? Or can family have you admitted considering the circumstances? Long term stay! Are there any, local, for this particular situation?

  • Thanks in advance 

Re: We need urgent advice please

Sorry to hear about your aunt. Sadly alcohol is a disease and unless the person wants treatment for themselves there is nothing anyone can do to help them, but to do what you're already doing and that is supporting your aunt with her addiction. In regards to rehab places. If your local gp can send. your aunt to a psychiatrist for an evaluation he/or she can then perhaps recommend an intreatment facility after your aunt's assessment hope this helps.

Re: We need urgent advice please

Hi @Username88 ,

I am not sure if you are in Victoria or not, but if you are, I would call these people:

You need to say that you need to speak to someone about intake for your aunt in a residential treatment place. They will work out if she's eligible or not.


If you are in another state, I am sure they have similar helplines. You could just ring them and tell them where you are from and they will tell you who to contact.


Keep being awesome and look after yourself 🙂