16-11-2015 04:17 PM
16-11-2015 04:17 PM
I love the way you have developed the ship metaphors ... more for me to chew through ... thanks.
And acting is also great for reflecting on life @Aonaran... so many things can be used as metaphors ...
On Saturday, I had the job of "manhandling" Parolles, one villain in our Alls well ... reading. He is a tiny little bespectacled academic and surprising to me, he gave me permission to be "aggressive" for the roles' sakes ...as I was to slip a hooded net over his head and captured him ...
I managed to flick his hat and it had great "spin" skeetering across the stage ... so that have the illusion of aggression ... with spinal issues I am careful with all interactions ... I was very pleased how it worked out ... earlier I was Marianne a gentle companion woman ... I am glad I get some female roles as I can explore my feminine side ...
Hope you are dealing with the haemochromatosis reasonably well.
27-11-2015 05:09 PM
27-11-2015 05:09 PM
Good afternoon @Aonaran,
How are you? How was the Bond movie? I am loving your new profile pic. May I ask what it represents? It strikes me as fitting for your description of sea-worthiness.
It seems that I have also been a kink in the chain in this conversation. I'm in the middle of moving interstate - to the Blue Mountains! - so have only be able to pop in and out of the Forum. The big move is next week, so things are hectic, exhausting, but exciting.
I'm so glad that you found critical disability thought-provoking. It certainly gave me a bit of an 'uh huh' moment. I think that you've hit the nail on the head that with your experience in acting - we are moulded by environment, by how people respond to us. The field of disability has been very active with speaking out against the dominance of experts telling their stories, and have, to some degree, been able to reclaim the construction of their identities. An interesting example is the Auslan community. Some people who have a hearing impairment, don't view it as a 'disability' or 'impairment'. Instead it is recognised as diversity in cultural linguistics, and have taken it upon themselves to have Auslan recognised as a language, inherent with its own culture with it own meanings. When we look at things this way 'disability' becomes not an abnormality, but something that is as 'normal' as another language. I wonder if something like this could be applicable to mental health?
Movement like this in mental health have not been as prominent, but they are about and emerging. One group that I found is called Mad Pride. Rather than looking at the individual, the movements suggest that mental distress (a term used instead of mental illness) is a reasonable response to stressful situations created by an abled-bodied. What are your thoughts on this? @MoonGal and @PeppiPatty, and of course who else is reading (please feel free to join in!).
Looking to forward to hearing from you. I'm checking out over the next week while I move, but will be around a bit more than I currently am then.
Until then, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
28-11-2015 05:44 AM
28-11-2015 05:44 AM
28-11-2015 05:50 AM
28-11-2015 05:50 AM
29-11-2015 04:51 PM
29-11-2015 04:51 PM
I really like the sound of Mad Pride. I believe it's esential that people with MI bond together and let the world know that they're simply every day people with an illness that should be treated no differently to a physical illness, especially pushing the fact that MI shouldn't take back seat to physical illnesss and is just as deserving of as much funding. I hope I live long enough to see the day!!
Mental distress! Hmmm! That's very applicable I think. Suffering BPD, I think that's a very appropriate term indeed. I like it 🙂
25-12-2015 12:52 AM
25-12-2015 12:52 AM
Well, the Great Yawning Emptiness has started for another year. My kindest thoughts to all here through what, for many of us, is a difficult time.
My wishes for us all:
May the ground stay firm beneath our feet; May the delight of ease linger with us and soothe our impulses; May people's attention and patience remain as constant with us as the stars in our summer sky; and May we always know our course through our encounters.
Warm smiles,
25-12-2015 11:14 AM
25-12-2015 11:14 AM
Aonaran - lovely to hear from you and hope despite the "Great Yawning Emptiness " your day can be as good as it can be.
I have family visits to make, going to tackle making rum balls (the vegan version!) in a minute. My mother-in-law used to make the best rum balls in the entire universe, but sady passed away in 2013. So it's up to me to try to keep the family tradition going. Wish me luck!
I hope for every one of us, that we can be centred and calm at what is for many a very difficult time. All the very best to everyone I have connected with here in the past couple of months your presence has made a lot of difference for my quality of life.
Special waves and sending positive vibes to you @Aonaran, and @PeppiPatty, @Appleblossom, @CherryBomb, @CannonSalt, @chookmojo, @Jasper, @Former-Member, @NikNik, @Crazy_Bug_Lady, @Jamc and everyone.
Hope every one stays cool in the heat...and cool in our fired-up ticky boxes.
25-12-2015 11:23 PM
25-12-2015 11:23 PM
25-12-2015 11:41 PM
25-12-2015 11:41 PM
I hope your health and iron levels get back in balance.
My problem with great yawning emptinesses is the tendency to fill them up.
cheers Apple
26-12-2015 04:16 PM
26-12-2015 04:16 PM
Heya CB,
I've been a bit up-against-it since we last spoke. I still haven't gotten to see the Bond movie! 😉 (And now the cinemas are full of greeblies for the next few weeks ... ughh ...)
I hope everything went well for you with the move. I love the Blue Mountains! In fact, that was where I grew up -- in Blackheath, in Hat Hill Road -- though in those days it was a string of country towns along the highway. Now it's more like a suburb of Sydney, and the old rattling country train with un heated wooden carriages where they used to put massive cylinders of hot water under the seats in winter has been replaced with sealed carriages that are always smelly and overheated and the seats are too small for comfort. Ahh, progress.
Anyway. I hope you'll be very happy there, CB.
I wrote a long post (I know, that's not like me!) about critical disabilities, and how I truly feel they're not addressed in the current trends in therapy ... but I was unhappy with it, and don't want to post it. I don't think i can do much better at the moment, because almost everything is just too muddled for me to make much sense of right now. I find Christmas extremely difficult -- so many mixed messages, so many unconscious hopes, unvoiced pleas, and unwilling compliances, that my radar gets overwhelmed and fuses out. My Inner Good Little Boy gets exhausted and just wants to hide in his room, so I end up spending a lot of time just being with him in the dark and trying to comfort him.
I'm spending today trying not to feel boxed in, which seems appropriate. 😉
As before: Warm Smiles,
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