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Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

@SJT63 hi. Sorry, I ended back in hospital on the weekend. Wasn't great.

Thankyou for your message. It is nice to know the world might not be off without me.

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

Hey @The-red-centaur 

I'm sorry you've ended up back in hospital, bugger. Hoping it provides you with the tools and care you need right now.

There will come a time one day when this nightmare will be in the past. I am holding hope it is soner rather than later dear Centaur x


Have you any energy to do art at the moment? 

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

@Anastasia I got home late this arvo. I might do some art tomorrow.

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

Sounds wonderful @The-red-centaur please tag me when/if you choose to share them.

Stay safe buddy. Go gently ❤️

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

@Anastasia I'm going to be going out today, I did this one end of last week, just before I ended in hospital. 



Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

Beautiful colours @The-red-centaur 

I love the beach. I live a long way from it though. Do you get to go and like it?

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

@Anastasia I don't get to the beach much.

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

They want me to be this perfect thing
Like everything is fine
Like everything's okay

But I'm not close to perfect
I'm not close to sane
I'm not the one to worship
And I'm not the one to blame
But you made up your mind
And you put me on your stage
Just take it all back
I'm not the king of anything

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

I'm gonna start seeing behavioural modification specialist...what ever that means....I'm tired and anxious at the thought at actually getting somewhere, that means I'll have to start living a life and stop making excuses, that I'll actually have to pretend to be ok.

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

Can't take another second of this head
Making up stories, saying I'm better off dead