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Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

So sick of life
the strife
the struggle
Can't sleep
Can't eat
Can't even speak
Too weak
Too bleak
Too hopeless to try to stop
Giving up
Giving in
Caving in
I'm sorry
Don't even worry
It doesn't even matter anymore.

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

Hey wonderful people.
I'm sorry I've not been on. I've been really struggling this week.
I ended up in hospital every day since Monday for either suicide or severe self harm and I'm so over it. Cops took me today coz there was a welfare check coz Im suicidal only to be told to go home, stop presenting and find something else to do. They said I can only be treated in the community but community teams or private mental health organisations won't take me or accept my referrals.

What are you supposed to do when the people and services supposed to help won't help. It's just made me more hopeless and suicidal too. Like I gave up and then everyone decided they would give up on me too. Like seriously what is the point anymore.

I'm safe enough for now. I'm just going to go to bed. But yeh. I'm done.

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

I can't sleep....I feel overwhelmed and like hurting myself again...I can't do this..

Today I messed up..I promised my ex we would move in together considering we are both homeless. I'm flying back to Tassie to help him out then we are driving back to Perth.... am I doing. The thing is I still loved him and want to be with him again. It serves us both and we'll probably get back together, but idk. Ta first I really wanted this but now I'm thinking Im making a mistake

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

Hello @The-red-centaur 

I don't know your history. May I ask why you are second guessing yourself? 

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life



still here and listening but no idea what advice to give


praying for you, for what it's worth

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life







Painted this morning because my case manager said I had to do something creative today. I usually hate water colours but it's my only medium atm but I'm proud of my results. 


Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

Ohhhh excited for pics to load @The-red-centaur 

Always nice to see your work 💙💚💛❤️💜

Thank you for sharing ☺️



Edit.. beautiful colours, well done! @The-red-centaur 

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

@The-red-centaur :ok_hand:

Re: Centaurs attempt at a new life

I love the paintings.... I can see the Dark Shadows in one... In the foreground but it is a gorgeous sunrise....reminds me of that song... The biggest sunrise in the middle of the darkest night.... You ain't seen nothing yet..... In terms of your original post all I can say is....are you up to it... It sounds like a big move.... But if you love someone and they love you it would be worth it... But are you ready right now? Love yourself first by focussing on getting better... But it's your liife choice... Hope this helps..