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Re: Beyond just surviving.


Wow, that is horrendous what happened in the DBT group. My dog was (and is) my whole world. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge five years ago and I am still very much in mourning for him. I find it appalling that someone with that sort of attitude towards people with BPD is running a DBT group. I am pretty sure Marsha Linehan (the developer of DBT) would have a lot to say about THAT! I feel super angry on your behalf!

I am so very very grateful that I finally found an amazing GP after 20 years. I saw her today and I feel better after venting out the whole saga of last week to her. I am also very grateful for my current psychologist. I know she isn't the most competent psychologist out there, but I do very much appreciate the effort she is putting in and I know she does care about me.

There is definitely still a LOT of discrimination and negative attitudes towards BPD in the mental health system. But I am heartened to see that those attitudes are sloooowly changing. I know there are people out there who DON'T hold those attitudes. They are still in the minority, but they are vocal in letting colleagues etc. know that it is not ok to treat people with BPD the way that they so often do. Give it another 20 years and I think things will have improved a lot. Too late for us of course, but hopefully a brighter future for the next generation. Smiley Happy

Re: Beyond just surviving.

@Change123. Just saw the dog pictures. Worth the wait. Beautiful. I'm guessing your dog is a German Sheppard?

Re: Beyond just surviving.

Hi @utopia @Phoenix_Rising

Yes my boy is a german shepherd, he is my 3rd one.  Once you have owned one you get stuck on them, very intelligent, loyal dogs and I dont know but they seem to act more human than other dogs in how they know what you are feeling and want to comfort you. He is my life line.

I hope you are all doing well today, I'm good hormones settled down now.Smiley Happy


Re: Beyond just surviving.

Hi @Phoenix_Rising

Are you feeling a bit better today?

Thinking of you.Smiley HappyHeart

Re: Beyond just surviving.

@Change123 Still riding the wave. This is a really really really long one! Thank you for checking in. Smiley Happy

Re: Beyond just surviving.

Hi @Phoenix_Rising

You are more than welcome, I too have had a day where I'm all over the place, happy and blissful this morning depressed and sad now for no reason. Sometimes I find it if I answer too many posts maybe all the sadness and depression rubs off on me or saddens me in some way - its almost like flashbacks where you feel yourself in the exact place that person is in.  I guess you keep hearing the same stories over and over again and its painful to hear and then I too start questioning like you did on this post.  But I know I need to snap out of it, so doing some shopping tonight maybe I will treat myself with something for a change.

Take care and have a good sleep tonight.

Smiley Happy