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Re: A long rave

@Mazarita ๐Ÿ‘‹ โฃ

Re: A long rave

Hi @outlander, hugs. Good timing with your wave. I just finished catching up on all the chat since my last post. Nice to see. Smiley Happy

I've had a good day since about 2.30pm. Grateful for the relief from feeling such a need to sleep all the time. Watched bits and pieces of some odd films on TV tonight. I like odd films. Smiley Tongue

What are you up to at the moment, already in bed or still watching TV? 

Re: A long rave

Its nice to see you too @Mazarita

Lol odd movies huh! Whatever floats your boat and keeps you happy
Im listening to im staying at mums house tonight. Pops gone away for the night and i wasnt safe mentally on my own tonight.
Ive been in bed for quite a while but wont be sleeping much. I have a little sister who likes to kick me lol and the other has a cold and really stuffy nose so is abit restless trying to sleep. Will be prob take to drs in the am ( walk in one)
So music chatting here and phone games it is!
Whats got you up late tonight?

Re: A long rave

Just enjoying the wakefulness for a change, @outlander. Sorry to read earlier and now about you having an especially hard time at the moment. Hugs again. Heart

Re: A long rave

Thanks @Mazarita can be so hard and overwhelming sometimes.
Its quite peaceful here too when the kids are settled. Its breezy here so can here that outside.

How are you going?

Re: A long rave

Sorry I dropped out there for a little while, @outlander. Saying goodnight and last minute chat with C. If I take a while next time, it's because I'm going to get into night clothes. I'm alright tonight. Have a little more energy. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

Thats alright
Im browsing prouds too. Need some new earring had these ones for quite awahile and starting to abit tacky besides proper cleanings.
Im glad your alright tonight and good to hear youve some more energy ๐Ÿ™‚
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

Re: A long rave

Back again, one step closer to bed. 

@outlander, are your earrings gold or silver?

Tomorrow I'd like to go for a walk on the beach. And change the sheets if possible. Mainly I'd like it if I didn't find myself sleeping all day.

How about you for tomorrow? Is the doctor visit for you? Glad you are safe tonight. Heart

Re: A long rave

Theyll be silver @Mazarita maybe with a blue purple or silver/white coloured jewel thingy.
Your day sounds lovely i hope you get to go for that walk.
No, the drs will be for sister. Shes got a cold but its yuk and making it a bit hard for her to sleep so wil see about some antibiotics to clear it up. We are possibly also looking at a horse show thats on. Some people we know are competing and also to check out the competition too.

Re: A long rave

Hello @Former-Member your welcome to join in too ๐Ÿ™‚