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Re: 103

@greenpea she's coming back in 3 weeks time. I'll probably be out of hospital then. I have time to prepare myself I guess.
I just spoke to 1800respect to calm down. I haven't slept yet, gonna try to rest up now.
Senior Contributor

Re: 103

@The-red-centaur  hope you are sleeping. Talk

Re: 103

@greebpea in going to look at a house tomorrow.
Housing worker not coming til Monday now

Re: 103

@greenpea had such a busy day today. I'm in a good mood too.
Saw a house this morning and then out my application for it in. Did an application for a support worker with my case manager, saw counselor, saw psych.
In a lot of pain though coz I walked around a lot. I also tried weight bearing without my boots with the physio-scary stuff.

I'm so tired. Dinner is freaking me out coz I'm so stressed atm.
Senior Contributor

Re: 103

@The-red-centaur  well done on all you have achieved today. You should feel proud of yourself :). Hoping the housing comes through for you and well done with the weight bearing without the boots :D. Take the dinner bit by bit. Dont rush it you can always have sandwiches later you are showing yourself how you can do this. xxx

Re: 103

@greenpea did this one tonight. 



Senior Contributor

Re: 103

@The-red-centaur  I love drawing eyes. Your eyes are mezmerizing;. Love peaxx

Re: 103


Did this one today....



@greenpea not having a good day today 😔 im really stressed about looming discharge and nothing being sorted. 

Senior Contributor

Re: 103

@The-red-centaur  Hey sweetie pic hasnt come up. Can you send it again?  Try not to worry they arent going to put you on the street. Try and stay positive even though I know that it is hard to do. Love peaxx

Re: 103

@greenpeasorry I took so long to reply. I've made distracting with art. It's up now