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Re: Just decided to prioritise myself..

@scruffypuffball @Wow, thank you for the links and the insight. I’ll read them definitely and your words give me strength with their truth. I’m exhausted at the moment and my paradigm is shifting fast. Sometimes you can read something for the first time but know that it resonates and this was true of your post for me. I appreciate the time you took to respond and hey - congratulations to you for obviously being a strong, smart person. I honour the survivor in you and the survivor in me! Lol. Seriously though, I’m learning what true kindness is, so thanks. Facing another night of God knows what, anxiety rising, but I feel genuine strength from these posts that is very helpful. Kind regards, Alice10.

Re: Just decided to prioritise myself..

Thank you @tyme Your words hit my heart and reached the fear in me. Thank you so very much. I will think of your post tonight as I face more b*ll***t.. thanks.

Re: Just decided to prioritise myself..

Do you feel safe? @Alice10  Do you have somewhere to stay?

Re: Just decided to prioritise myself..

Hi @Alice10 


Well good one ye, we are all cheering for you.  You are a strong woman and very much self aware.  So good hearing the respect that you have for yourself in your words, its very empowering.  You just need to be careful, do you have any close friends who you can go to.  Good idea to maybe make your local police aware of the situation, just in case, so they are prepared.  All the very best and good luck......Asgard

Re: Just decided to prioritise myself..

Hi @tyme no I don't feel safe. I'm going to ask some of my family today if I can stay for a couple of days and then friends after that. I hope this asking goes well, as I find it very difficult to ask. Thanks for asking the important questions. I tried to tell him it was over last night and he went berserk.

Re: Just decided to prioritise myself..

Wow Alice! Thats so inspiring to hear. Good on you love!

Re: Just decided to prioritise myself..

Hi @Agent 


I just wanted to send you a big welcome, and thank you for joining the community. 


We hope to see you around the forums on the regular 🙂


Feel free to Introduce yourself here if you haven’t already!

Re: Just decided to prioritise myself..

Hi @Agent  👋🏼 Welcome to the forum.


Re: Just decided to prioritise myself..

@Glisten hi G. Tough day. I'm going to see my GP tomorrow. I'm starting to get anxiety. I've booked a psychologist for Thursday as well. Thanks again for the post yesterday. Alice

Re: Just decided to prioritise myself..

@Alice10  coincidentally tomorrow I have an appointment with my GP. For a referral to a psychologist.

📣 keep going @Alice10 Keep going 📣