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Looking after ourselves

Casual Contributor


Does anyone have advice about anxiety that makes you physically sick to you stomach? Like the kind that makes you want to throw up and it stops you from doing things. Does anyone know how to manage it?


Senior Contributor

Re: Anxiety

@L3x13 I suffer from anxiety symptoms like this. I have irritable bowel syndrome (ibs) and one of its triggers is stress and anxiety. I also understand the feeling of it stopping you from doing anything, I’ve had too many times where I don’t turn up to school or work and just lay in bed all day overwhelmed. I don’t have any way to manage it other than unhealthy habits I need to work on. I hope you find some strategies soon, check out this link for some methods.

Re: Anxiety

Welcome, @L3x13 


The best way I've discovered is meds and therapy. 


Are you linked in with any professional support? 


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Re: Anxiety

Hi @L3x13 - yes I can experience this with anxiety. The stomach area is important part of our nervous system and anxiety releases a lot of stress chemicals like cortisol that produce bodily effects.


one way I try to regulate this is through breathing. I breathe in for a count of three then a slow exhale on 4/5 counts. The idea is it should send a signal to the nervous system that you are safe etc.


have you spoken to someone like a counsellor about your anxiety experience?

Casual Contributor

Re: Anxiety

Thank you. Its nice to know someone else is striggling with it to. Its hard not to feel alone

Re: Anxiety

Yes it is hard not to feel alone, but rest assured it’s something people experience. You’ve made a fantastic step to reach out here 🙂 

Re: Anxiety

Hi @L3x13 


Glad you have found this forum, you certainly are not alone regarding having anxiety issues and we all have different ways in dealing with it.  As @Hyperballad mentioned breathing exercises are a great way of controlling your breathing.  I just do the following a few times -- breath in for 6 seconds, hold for 6 and then breath out for 6.  I find that it lowers my heart rate and helps me think a bit more rationally.  The other way I sometimes use, is ducking my head in cold water for 5 seconds -- its cooling and again reduces my heart rate.  Hope this assists and look after yourself. 🙂

Re: Anxiety

Unfortunately what helps me is telling myself; (whether I mean it or not, I trick myself) that I will just cancel, not go to whatever is stressing me out and causing the anxiety. I trick myself into believing I'm not going/dealing with it, and it calms me down for the rest of the day. Then I can calmly decide if I will actually attend or not or whatever. Also, I tell myself that I'll only attend for 5 minutes, and I MAKE myself believe that and it allows me to show up and allows me to get rid of the fear and anxiety. 

Re: Anxiety

Hi @Anny101,

Thanks for sharing your post, I have had anxiety for years and its certainly not the best feeling i know. I have had counselling in the past to work through my anxiety and they helped me

come up with a few strategies.  When im on my own i do lots of compassionate self talk,

and remind myself that its ok to feel anxious at times, sometimesf this doesnt work so i will try to distract myself by keeping busy like doing the housework, walking my dog, or try to distact

myself with a bit of comedy. Its all about finding the things that work for you.

Re: Anxiety

Hey @L3x13 welcome and its nice to meet you!


I have suffered with severe anxiety for most of my life, I highly recommend seeking professional support if it is impacting your day to day life or functioning, if you worry excessively or avoid things because of anxiety. The right supports can make a world of difference!


In saying that I am someone who has thrown everything at my anxiety in trying to beat it. I meditate, do breathing exercises, therapy, take medication etc, and all these things definitely help a lot. But I received the most life changing advice awhile ago, and that was to stop trying to get rid of my anxiety, stop fearing it and stop fighting it. Let me tell you it has been so freeing! I used to spend so much of my time and energy trying to relieve my anxious feelings and avoid panic attacks, often it would only cause more anxiety and panic, and even anxiety about being anxious. Now I simply just let it be, I let myself be anxious and over time it's actually reduced significantly. 


A big key to it is knowing that as horrible, as sickening and as debilitating as it can feel, anxiety cannot actually hurt you and it doesn't mean something is wrong, it's all a trick. By not trying to fight it we train our brains and bodies into eventually not seeing it as a threat.


I hope this helps 

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