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Hi Forum Members


If you missed our impact update today we will have a recording and link to watch it online in the next week or two.

One of the topics I covered in the webinar today was our plans to work with you on a strategic review of forums and improvements for the future.


I am really interested in how we can improve the forums as well as how we improve the way we work with you - moving to codesign and coproduction ways of working. Let’s kick this off in the forums.

What sort of processes for feedback, strategic review of the forums, forum design, forum content development work for you that we should think about and plan for next year?

- Surveys
- Working groups
- Technical advisory groups
- Iterative development

- what else? 

Please let me know what ideas you have to work with us on how we begin a better way of engaging and supporting you as members to design your environment.





Community Guide

Re: Hello

Senior Contributor

Re: Hello



We have already chatted a couple of days ago😊 I am re- reading this post now. I think it might have confused me the first time I read it - in what you were actually asking?


I think I have a clearer idea.


Maybe if you have a moment, could you elaborate on these points.


- Surveys

- Working groups

- Technical advisory groups

- Iterative development


- what else?


Obviously, I understand what a survey is! The others are very vague to me. I'm not getting a clear idea in my mind what any of this would like?


Perhaps your reply is unnecessary& these things will become clearer in weeks to come, with online webinar availability & more involvement with members. 


I thought I would share my initial thoughts, to provide you with my personal feedback.





Senior Contributor

Re: Hello

Hi @Shaz51 nice to hear from an old forum friend. Feeling more settled these days with the aid of a good psychologist and a mental health care plan. Looking forward to a week away shortly to spend time with family and friends whom I haven’t seen in ages. My son will be flying in from across the ocean to be there too and so excited to be seeing him again. My girl is living her own life and still refusing to see me but I’m more accepting of this these days. Still only hear from her when she wants money sadly. My energy levels are on the up at the moment so making the most of that by late Spring cleaning and donating clothes etc. I don’t need and things I don’t use. Feels good to declutter. Xmas fast approaching and the day once again will be spent with my husband and I picnicking somewhere nice together. Simple no fuss day. I hope you’re doing okay and know I think of you often. Wishes for a peaceful evening my friend. Much love 🙏❤️

Re: Hello

Hi Rachel,

For me, I hide that I am on this forum so I would not feel comfortable participating in most of these feedback sessions. A survey would be fine, but please include non-mandatory comment fields to expand on any answers.

Thank you

Re: Hello

Thanks that’s helpful. I want to make sure we design a process that has as many avenues as possible so we can get participation as widely as possible.

Re: Hello

Hi Maddison
Thanks great question - I am interested in what sort of mechanisms forum members would like us to incorporate in planning for a broad review of what’s working and what to improve for forums, in particular how we can think about creating structures for forum members to own and contribute to design and planning for the forums.

Re: Hello

Hello @RachSANECEO 😀

Re: Hello

good suggestion thanks, we will be sure to offer a wide range of options and opportunities to contribute throughout (including anon).
Sorry for the slow reply!