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Being left to me to deal with my son’s mental health

As a carer, I find it worrying and scary when left to deal with my son's serious mental issues when the professional people and clinic will not support him. How am I meant to cope?


Re: Being left to me to deal with my son’s mental health

Have u tried Beyond Blue amd doctors are giving 20 free visits to a psychologist during Kringle COVID - that might help.

Re: Being left to me to deal with my son’s mental health

Sorry didn’t mean to write Kringle. It was a typo

Re: Being left to me to deal with my son’s mental health

Thank you, that option is a very good one. It has been draining me having my son so hyper manic;  it may be a good thing for him to speak to someone else

Re: Being left to me to deal with my son’s mental health

I understood what you meant, thanks

Re: Being left to me to deal with my son’s mental health

Hi @Cestmoi 


As a carer under stress you would be eligible to access visits to a psychologist to help you to cope with caring for your son. Your gp can help arrange this for you.

The role of carers is vastly underrated by medical professionals, many who only see the patient in a short window then send them back to be carers if they are lucky.

 Often we are not included in the planning of care because of patients rights but there is no problem with us being the ones to carry the load.

Its unjust and unfair.

Please take care of yourself too.

Re: Being left to me to deal with my son’s mental health

Thank you. I will be seeing my GP soon and will make arrangements. Yes, it is so unfair. My husband and I find it very hard because my son is an adult. We've had to take his medication & he is angry, feeling out of control. I don't know why  mental clinics are turning away patients, sending them home when they are CLEARLY not well. I have cried so much in the last few days, feeling so helpless 

Re: Being left to me to deal with my son’s mental health

I can totally relate it's not ok that parents have to deal with acutely unwell adult children when we are not professionals and can only muddle through 

Re: Being left to me to deal with my son’s mental health

Thank you for your understanding Dottie. It has been 2 days and it feels like forever, since my son came home. By 9am this morning, I felt worn out, continually walking on eggshells- in case I say or do anything to escalate my son's hyper mania. I am trying to get some relief care. It is so hard, especially being the weekend. 

Re: Being left to me to deal with my son’s mental health

Hi @Cestmoi
How did the rest of the weekend go ?
I hope you were able to find some relief and rest along the way.