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New inquiry into restraints use in mental health


Re: New inquiry into restraints use in mental health

So very very difficult to watch, but such a very important story that needs to be told. The general population has no idea what happens in public psychiatric wards in Australia in the twenty-first century. Smiley SadSmiley SadSmiley Sad

Re: New inquiry into restraints use in mental health

Yes, there's been talk on the forum about treatment in the health system. It's time the government considered best and better practice. Sorry, I forgot to mention that the video is disturbing to watch. My main point was that some good may come of it. An investigation into the use of seclusion and restraints

Re: New inquiry into restraints use in mental health

@Former-Member Most of my muddle now is due to trauma I've experienced within the NSW public mental health system, and yep, hearing this on the news today and just watching the footage now has made me start to sweat and rock. However, how is the message ever going to get out there, if those of us who have experienced it don't stand up and speak out about it. So yep, a tough story, but I for one am glad that the issue is being talked about.

Re: New inquiry into restraints use in mental health

So true. It does need to become public what goes on. I'm sorry @Phoenix_Rising that you've had experiences with trauma. It is a tough story. Mental illness and treatment has come so far but so much further still to go. Virtual hugs to you.

Re: New inquiry into restraints use in mental health

this is why i am scared of the hospital i have had similar things done to me when i have been there i dont think anyone should have to go through that i think there is always another way. 

Re: New inquiry into restraints use in mental health

Thanks for the article.

I am sad for the family but glad this is being discussed.

I just pray that it won't turn into another inquiry where "recommendations" are put into place,as this has happened many times in the past and recommendations,suggestions or guidelines do not produce change.

Unfortuntely,for every one story we hear about a person being treated without dignity in the mental health system,there are 50 more that we don't hear about.