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Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Grief, living grief is a big one, lots of things can be lost in an attempt.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

No problem suzanne; i'm only new to the forum so wasn't aware of protocol.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

These are really important reflections @Former-Member especially around specialist counselling and awareness about the stories outside of the person who attempts. Thanks so much for presenting them so eloquently. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

completed the SANE/University of New England questionnaire.-- I will @UNE 

Yes we have @Former-Member, it is sometimes hard to get the right balance all the time xx

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Yes - for many people @Former-Member living losses are rarely understood by the community. Have you found it to be useful in understanding what happens for carers in their caring role?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

Glad you're still with us @Fifibelle

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

I agree @Fifibelle I hope some of the other stories about managing hope and fear have been useful to reflect on. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

I have not found a counsellor experienced in helping spouses of those who had attempted.

I still find communication unsatisfactory and it erodes my trust, I have had to tender scholarly articles to explain reasons for why I am asking questions and yet not one question has been answered. I feel so angry about this.

I have already done the survey @UNE it was sent to me via a carers australia email.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

I have not found a counsellor experienced in helping spouses of those who had attempted.--- I agree @Former-Member

@UNE, @Former-Member, the ones that we have been to together have always replied that "I don`t do enough for my husband "

My husband got very upset about this and this is why we have not gone back

Re: Topic Tuesday // Supporting someone after a suicide attempt // 28 Nov. 7pm - 9pm AEDT

You're right @Former-Member it is a very niche area in terms of caring, and intimate partner relationships. My only suggestion would be to keep an eye out, or focus on upskilling your counsellor about what works/doesnt work for you. 

Eroding trust within the health system can sometimes be exacerbated by different focuses - practitioners entirely focussed on the person, the carer focussed on the person and then no one left over to help the carer. Im anticpating that our study, even with its preliminary findings, will begin to explore the niche areas of need that you've described.

Thanks for taking part tonight.
