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Re: (not actually) Coping with things.

@tyme thanks. It's Acrylic. I find oils too slow. 

This painting is for the staff room at my house. 


I tend to give away or sometimes sell my paintings.  

Re: (not actually) Coping with things.

Pretty awesome 🙂 @The-red-centaur Good on you!

Re: (not actually) Coping with things.

I'm really struggling tonight.

Re: (not actually) Coping with things.

Just bought more canvases and some art supplies for my next project. 

Going to do some Halloween inspired arr lol. 

Re: (not actually) Coping with things.

I'm going inpatient a few days. Not coping. Feeling shit. Not safe etc.

Re: (not actually) Coping with things.

Hey @The-red-centaur I'm sorry to hear things are such a struggle for you right now. If you're not feeling safe, is it maybe a good time to reach out to someone? A friend, family member, or crisis service, so you don't have to be in this alone? 

Re: (not actually) Coping with things.


Things have been really crap lately. But I forced myself into the studio.  

Re: (not actually) Coping with things.

Wow! That painting looks incredible! Way to go! @The-red-centaur 


I'm glad you made yourself have some time in the studio. I hear it is hard to get motivated and to do it, but see it as a form of therapy?


Give yourself the chance and permission to feel success. You deserve it.

Re: (not actually) Coping with things.

Thank you @tyme

Re: (not actually) Coping with things.




I saw my psychologist today. It was actually ok for once. I didn't dissociate much but I juts talked about shallow topics to avoid my feelings. 


Anyway I was feeling off when I got home. So I started Halloween prep lol.