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Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @NatureLover @NatureLover it's hard to explain but my MH has taken a back seat while I try to get by. I do feel worried and upset and confused but I'm still chipping away. I'm avoiding going out so today wrestled with shopping online. It took ages and kept disconnecting. Some of the paperwork wasn't any easier. I have more tasks and errands lined up tomorrow but dread going out  I cancelled a couple of next week's appointments as I can't face them at the moment. 

The sciatica and other aches are troublesome. But I'll have to take things quietly for a while, I can't exercise much. 

On the brighter side I'm about to speak to a potential helper (it's taken a long time to get to this stage). 

I have 4 things scheduled tomorrow so it will be busy. I feel very disorganised. Everything's a mess, including me, so I'll have to deal with that as well. 


For tonight, put away today's washing and refind the stuff I need for tomorrow,  before I can go to bed. 

Re: Winter solstice

I admire how you are pressing on despite your MH. 


I can empathise with dreading going out...I hope you can manage what you need to do 🤞


So much for you to deal with! Sending hugs 🫂


Crossing fingers this helper works out well...



Re: Winter solstice

Thinking of you lots and hoping the process with getting a new helper goes smoothly 🤞

@Dimity Also that you feel up to tackling your papers and possessions. 

Re: Winter solstice

I've had to delay meeting the helper because of being unwell @NatureLover. I'm relying on deliveries at the moment. I'll have an early night tonight.



Re: Winter solstice

Oh, I'm sorry to hear, @Dimity . 


I hope the early night helped and you were able to sleep 🤞

Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity  You'll be en route or at the hospital now (7.05am Thursday) but I wanted to pop on and send you lots of good wishes for your hospital admission today 🤞

I hope it's only a day procedure and you don't have to stay overnight. Thinking of you... ❤️

Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @NatureLover . Yes en route. So nice of you to think of me

Re: Winter solstice

Have a good day yourself @NatureLover 

Re: Winter solstice

Oh, I'm so glad my message reached you @Dimity 🙂


I was kicking myself for getting up late and maybe missing you. I will be thinking of you today during the day...hope all goes very well ❤️

Re: Winter solstice

All went well thanks @NatureLover and I'm home. The cab driver I'd booked yesterday let me down - so did the neighbour who'd agreed to put out the bins. But I've muddled through. 

I trust your work went OK.