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What to do when something is really wrong, and you cant get help

I find it hard to cope with all the slogans and advice about getting help, but even when I recognise something is majorly wrong and i am not coping, I seem to be the one that slips through all the gaps in the system and I dont know where to go and I seem to be getting ping ponged backward and forward and going around in circles.

I have been so ill from anorexia and really physically unwell and majorly depressed and unsafe, and everywhere i go I am told I am too ill from anorexia to get help and no one wants to take on the responsibility of anorexia.

Everyone says I need to be in hospital but the wait lists for private hospitals and the exclusion criterias means I cant access care when I need it, and the local public hospitals just say they dont treat eds and they wont/cant do any proper ax or referral process.

People talk about early intervention but what about when you cant get treatment and just get sicker and sicker, and are effectively left at home on your own getting sicker and left to self destruct.

If people are ready to access treatment it would be nice if there was actually treatment available. When health professionals and services refuse to offer treatment when it is needed people just get sicker and sicker with more and more complications.

Everyone knows the death rate with anorexia is the highest of all mental illness, yet it is impossible to people with a severe and enduring eating disorder to access treatment.


Re: What to do when something is really wrong, and you cant get help

Hi Pipkin,

What you are dealing with sounds horrendous. The ping-pong effect you mention is there to varying degrees throughout mental health treatment systems from what I've seen and experienced.

I know very little about the system and treatment for ED's. What little I do know is from a friend whose niece has been through terrible trouble looking for help (she's 18 now). I have also heard that the ping-pong effect is much worse when you have a physical and a mental health condition, and I guess EDs would probably fit that bill from a medical perspective - they do so love to carve us up into territories (so much for wholeness!).

I really wish I could offer you some helpful advice or suggestions, but I'm so sorry I can't. Hopefully someone else (here or elsewhere) can. You have my heart-felt empathy. Keep searching for help, please.

Kind regards,


Re: What to do when something is really wrong, and you cant get help

Thankyou for sharing Pipkin, it sounds as though there is a real gap in our system. I don't know if there are any online support groups for anorexia, and I am not sure if you are located in regional Australia or metro? I know that in Melbourne, Eating Disorders Victoria runs support groups In Metro Melbourne, but I am not sure if you would be able to attend any groups if you are physically unwell. Maybe you could google them and give the an email/call and see if they have any advice?

Re: What to do when something is really wrong, and you cant get help

Hi Pipkin,

I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but I actually do know a psychologist who works with people with eating disorders. I know she's very helpful and compassionate as I went to her briefly myself with a bunch of self-care issues, including struggling to eat breakfast before midday. She helps you tackle the whole picture, gently.

I'm not sure which state you live in, but if you're within a cooee of Melbourne I can paste a link to her website if it's allowed. Otherwise we can work out some other way for me to pass on the details if you are interested.

Kind regards,


Re: What to do when something is really wrong, and you cant get help

Thank you, I am actually in NSW

Re: What to do when something is really wrong, and you cant get help

I have been wracking my brains, and all I can think of is to ask the pschologist if she knows anyone with similar focus in NSW. Would you like me to try that?

Best regards,



Re: What to do when something is really wrong, and you cant get help

Hi Pipkin,

You might also want to try Mental Health Carers ARAFMI NSW on 02 9332 0700 or 1800 655 198. THey have a very extensive database available and may be able to give you some phone numbers of people that could help in NSW.

Re: What to do when something is really wrong, and you cant get help

Thank You, I have just managed to get in with a psychologist in NSW that works in Eds. Hopefully that might help and pick me up a bit while funding/costs permit.

Re: What to do when something is really wrong, and you cant get help

Hi Pipkin,

That's good news! Thanks for sharing it with us. I hope it works out really well, and the psych is compassionate and a good listener.

Kind regards,


Re: What to do when something is really wrong, and you cant get help

Hi Pipkin,


The Butterfly FOundation has announced a new Intensive Outpaitent Program today. It's basced on a highly successful Monte Nido eating disorder program from the USA.


It's a 12 week program, 3 days a week & focuses on individual treatment plans with trained ED clinicians.


The number is 02 9412 4499 or
