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This is so stupid!(venting)

O.K so I put my fruit in soak 3 days ago. No big deal really. So last night I finally finished it (after two days of getting myself together to do this) Took it out of the tin this morning and realized I had cooked it in the wrong tin. It stands about inches high. To top it off where the colur of grease proof was dented in which means there also big dents in the top of the cake.Fondant will fix it but im not happy

.Rum balls, too soft,hoping it will firm up. Rum,cant taste it. I made the mistake of buying my rum overseas. Strong alcohol taste,no rum flavour. Ran out of eggs so cant make another cake to fix rum balls.. In all honesty I wasn't in the right head space and was trying to push through it.didn't work.


Re: This is so stupid!(venting)




Nothing more frustrating than when nothing goes right and on top of that, not being in the right headspace - I would have thrown those rum balls at the wall!

Are you back on track?
