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I am sick of being sick

I have a sty in my is driving me crazy.....I went up to the hospital and the doctor pricked it to let the pus out. I am pathetic!

Re: I am sick of being sick

Hey Neb, why are you stupid? You don't get a sty in your eye based on how you think. Well not to my limited knowledge..I think you are smart because you went and got help! Onya!! Hope its not too painful, sties really hurt!!

Re: I am sick of being sick

Hey @Neb  

Really glad to hear you got that dealt with properly. Must be really painful. 

I don't think being in pain and saying so, or being fed up with ill health and saying so, are pathetic. Quite understandable. Keep on taking care please. Remember to find that lovely compassion you show to others, and please shine some on yourself. You deserve it too.Heart

Kindest regards,


Re: I am sick of being sick

Thank you for the kind replies, why is it so hard to be nice to one's self? Much easier being so to others eh! I am certainly miserable at the moment but I do know it will pass.

Re: I am sick of being sick

Im not sure about any one else- but i find that sort of self talk really helpful- " it will pass" is what im referring to.

  When your experiencing an over whelming emotion- it might be a yuck feeling or a scary one.  This saying is one of the best ones ive heard. "it will pass"- To me , this is hopeful, self supporting self talk.

Re: I am sick of being sick

Thank you Baboo....what a cool avatar! Yep all things do pass but why do I always think of the loo? Too many years nursing me thinks.

Still feeling blah although the horrible sty is receding, golly that was awful! Have you ever heard of eyelid hygiene...well it is out there! Most of my head hurts except for my hair, thank you Lord!