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How do you know when you need to go to hospital?

how do you know when you need to go to hospital or not? people keep telling me things are serious but i feel like i am not bad enough to go to hospital even though i am very suicidal at the moment i still feel like it is not enough like i am just being weak and if i went they would all just be annoyed at me for wasting their time. 


Re: How do you know when you need to go to hospital?

Hi @Eden1919


I sent you an email just now, checking whether you are safe at the moment. It's important to speak to someone about how you are feeling right now

Do you have someone you can speak to right now?
If not, some places you can call now for support are;
Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Crisis Chat
Suicide call back service: 1300 659 467 or online counselling
If in immediate danger: 000

Re: How do you know when you need to go to hospital?

Hi @Eden1919, sorry you're feeling confused at the moment. Its very hard to self assess when we are unwell. I think "if in doubt - get it checked out" Even if you visit your GP, or Emergency and ask that very question. "Am I sick enough to benefit from a hospital stay?" Often they might just observe you a day or two, maybe change some meds, protect you from self harm if necessary. When I was really bad I didn't know if I would cross this line and act on intense SI until it was too late. If you feel unsafe you can call an ambulance. 

Hope the moderator is able to help you more. Be kind to yourself, just hang in there till morning - you'll feel different then, get some sunshine ❤❤❤

Re: How do you know when you need to go to hospital?

Great advice @Former-Member ! 
What a lovely response

Re: How do you know when you need to go to hospital?

Hello @Eden1919 My psychiatrist explains that if you feel you need to go to hospital you must explain to them that you are seriously suicidal and push that point, are you near a hospital that has a mental health unit? they may be better set up to accept you.

Re: How do you know when you need to go to hospital?

Yes there is a mental health unit at my hospital but i dont want to go i have too much to do plus i have things to look after and it just isnt a good time and everyone would be mad at me and ugh i just dont know what to do anymore

Re: How do you know when you need to go to hospital?


I know exactly how you feel in your last post. That's how I felt last year. For months I was advised by many people to go to hospital. My psychiatrist even had me shown around the private hospital a month before I agreed to go in. I didn't think I was bad enough. I actually thought hospital would make me worse. How did I know I was bad enough eventually? I just knew. All of the sudden. Nothing mattered anymore. And I left work, drove to hospital and stayed in my room for weeks.

I know I should be in hospital now. But I have learnt a lot in 3 hospital stays and as long as I can keep myself safe I will stay at home. I have a supportive partner and a very good friend and supportive care team. When I sense I lose that part of control, I go in. Straight away.

Re: How do you know when you need to go to hospital?

Thanks for the insight @Former-Member

Re: How do you know when you need to go to hospital?

Hi @Eden1919

When i was really unwell, i ended up having to hand over some of the decision making and put a massive amount of trust (reluctantly) into what other people were telling me was what i needed. It didnt 'feel' right, i didnt know what was up or down really. So I ended up in hopspital, but it wasnt an awful experience, and it stabilised me enough to get up and move on again. It wasnt a cure all, but it got me back to the stage where i could think, make decisions that were not solely based on the voice of depression and manage everything again. 

I do think sometimes there are things that are not going to 'feel' right or ok, but we might have to make a leap of faith anyway and try something new to change the cycle to give ourselves a chance at change,

take care,
