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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor


I’m so exhausted, I haven’t been able to even ask for help. It’s so draining to just say I’m struggling


Re: Exhausted.

Hi @Parzival 


I hear you. That must be a lot right now for you. Are you getting much sleep?

Re: Exhausted.

Hey @Parzival. I’m so so sorry to hear that. I know how it feels to be emotionally and mentally exhausted, and it’s so mush worse when you don’t want to or can’t ask for help. But I’m here for you! If you want to talk about what’s going on, I’m here to listen.

Re: Exhausted.

Hey @Awildlexi 


I just wanted to stop by quickly and welcome you to the forums. It's a great to place to get support, and to offer it to others, as you have already done. Thank you for your contribution. 


Feel free to Introduce yourself here if you haven’t already!


We look forward to seeing you around on the forums!

Re: Exhausted.

So sorry to hear, @Parzival . You're really doing it tough 😢

Senior Contributor

Re: Exhausted.

Warm hugs, Life situations is alot to handle. Go for a gentle walk, be gentle on yourself. 

Re: Exhausted.

Hi @Parzival 


I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing today?


I hear you and can totally relate to how draining it can be to ask for help.


We are here for you!


Warm regards


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