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Re: Birthday

@Asgard @Yeah it was okay it got pretty sad for me lol cause I only had two friends there and one of them left and I ended up drinking a little too much but yeah it was mainly my sisters party 

Re: Birthday

@OM108 Thank you 🩷

Re: Birthday



not sure why it didn't get delivered yesterday...but here it is!

thinking of you...


Happy BirthdayHappy Birthday

Re: Birthday

@OM108 Thank you I really appreciate everyone’s kind words 

Re: Birthday

Hi @MarronButterFly 


Nothing wrong with having a wee drink on your birthday, in the old days I would say "I'm just having a 1 quiet pint, followed by 9 loud ones"  my mum would just roll her eyes in despair.


You could always go out with your friends and have the birthday you wanted, without those sisters of yours.............Asgard

Re: Birthday

@Asgard @I could but I don’t have the money for that and It would t be the same without one of my friends cause she is overseas right now 😭

Re: Birthday

Hi @MarronButterFly 


It wouldn't have to be expensive, just something that you enjoy doing with your mate.  Some of the best times I have had with friends is spur of the moment things. So what would you like to do, if money was no object?........ Asgard

Re: Birthday

@Asgard @Yeah I understand that lol I honestly just want to spend time with my bestie but she’s in India right now and i miss her 

Re: Birthday

No worries at all @MarronButterFly , how long is she gone for, you have that other friend of yours.  So what do you enjoy doing ....Asgard

Re: Birthday

@Asgard  she’s gone till the end of the month which is sad cause I miss her a lot but I literally just want to be In the same room as her cause it’s been an entire month since I’ve seen her