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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

without the sun involved for recharge I think there would be too much energy loss @CheerBear  so can't see that working especially since solar panels are not very efficient right now.. think they can only at best use around 25% of the energy they could...  and diminished energy in the exchanged.. think the energizer bunny would be running down on that one...   but that's on first thoughts about it...   but hey post it anyhow.. nothing like a good face palm!  😛

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CheerBear I love that you are researching energy sources for our island!!! It is super nice to see you here at Friday Feast. Next time I can't find you here, I will remember to look up in the trees to see if you are nesting nearby. Smiley Happy


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Appleblossom perhaps you night falsetto for a feast or contralto for a chocolate instead ...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

oooohhh @Shaz51 goodie... then it will be on here in two hours...    excellent... really need that finale... and don't tell me!!!  No spoilers allowed please 😛  

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ok I wont tell you @Spookytookims

where are you located

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

WA @Shaz51  same as F&H 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thank you @Phoenix_Rising - It's super nice to be here even if it is while I'm nesting 🙂 It's nice to have somewhere to be around people without having to be around people sometimes.

@Spookytookims - Your response makes way too much sense for me 😛 I'll drop it off just in case though
Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I am sleepy. I think I'm going to have to leave all you night owls to party on without me. Be good!!! Smiley LOL

@Mazarita ok, I won't fret over my missing post. It was about my dessert stomach - apparently @Spookytookims doesn't have one, don't you think that is terribly sad. Smiley LOL

Night everybody. Night @Shaz51 @Spookytookims @Former-Member @utopia @CheerBear @Appleblossom @Mazarita etc etc etc.

Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Goodnight @Former-Member ,  as usual thanks for the giggles  😄  see you in Hot chocky  *waves*