17-03-2017 09:27 PM
17-03-2017 09:27 PM
17-03-2017 09:28 PM
17-03-2017 09:31 PM
17-03-2017 09:31 PM
@Former-Member this monarch likes to go slumming it in KMart (incognito of course, I wouldn't want the paparazzi to know! 😉 )
17-03-2017 09:32 PM
17-03-2017 09:38 PM
17-03-2017 09:38 PM
No I have not been near the chocolate town
17-03-2017 09:40 PM
17-03-2017 09:40 PM
Night all, going offline for a while now. Thanks for the party.
17-03-2017 09:50 PM
17-03-2017 09:50 PM
Good night @Mazarita, I am going for a shower xx
17-03-2017 09:56 PM
17-03-2017 09:56 PM
@Former-Member ROFL. You truly don't know what an Oompa Loompa is? Oh @Former-Member you simply must watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original one, not the remake)!!! I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you at all, it just struck me as funny that we are having this discussion about Oompa Loompas and you are sitting there wondering what the heck we are going on about.
17-03-2017 10:00 PM
17-03-2017 10:00 PM
For you @Former-Member
17-03-2017 10:10 PM
17-03-2017 10:10 PM
@Phoenix_Rising thank you very much... I have been edumacated in oompaloompa thingamies.. little chocolate people that tell me if I eat chocolate all day I will be revolting and wrong hahahha yes.. I think they are right! Pity my pic I posted isn't showing up yet... this comment would be more relevant to. OOPS!!! shoulda watched the oompaloompas first!
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