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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb @eth @Shaz51
Sorry, I've been in and out...
had an up and down week so I spent this arvo doing some self care. Had a nice long shower (really wish I had a bath) and scrubbed my skin, and chinese for tea while wrapped in blankets watching Doctor Who. Topped of with chocolate cake and icecream for dessert.

Feeling heaps better now, and I'm all cozy and ready for bed...

Really hope I can get a decent nights sleep... I'm on day 9 of no more than 3 hours sleep. Not sure how much longer I can keep going...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Crazy_Bug_Lady nice to see you are having a self-care day.  I can totally relate to the lack of sleep.  Might be worth talking to your doctor about it like I do when it gets that bad.  Hope you get a better night tonight.


@Decadian  I have been vegetarian most of my life since age 17 (now 53).  Only started having occasional lean meat and fish after 20 years completely vego.  At the time it was for health reasons as I was very under weight and anaemic but these days it's more just on social events, maybe once a month or so.  When I'm just feeding only myself at home (most of the time) it's still always vegetarian.  There are so many reasons but I'd hate to seem like I was preaching.  If I am asked why I just say 'I'm fussy' and then an explanation never seems to be needed!  Over the last couple of years I have made an effort to learn and feel more confident cooking meat for my meat-loving friends.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast



I did not know what a terrible thing I did to my family member when I made soy-bean or chick pea patties with a variety of other ingredients - also vegetarian pie and another low meat high vegetable dish I think was some kind of cabbage dish - I loved it - my son loved it, my then-husband ate it without comment and it was years before I was told that my dd found it disgusting


I would do it again - but it is incredibly messy and time consuming and cooking for one would mean a lot of waste - but still - I do have meals where the vegetable content far outweighs the meat content.


But just as my mother never gave us much choice about what to eat - I guess I never questioned that - it was hard work but economically sound.


I think it's important to prepare the soy products carefully though - I don't think commercial soy products are prepared with that in mind because it is a time consuming activity -


But as I am writing this I am thinking about the patties made with or without soy products - but with grated vegetables bound together with bread crumbs and my mother is watering


Oh yeah


WTG - Decadian


BTW - my mother would put a ......... collection - that word will do - collection of vegetables on our plates - and I found cold roast beef flap - full of fat, mashed potato, cauliflour and cooked spinach on the same plate horrifying - and an insult to the plate and the table cloth and my palate - so I understand my family member 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast



We are all entitled to eat what we choose - it doesn't sound preachy to mean - I think preachy means people who become overpowering and intolerant of other people's choices regarding anything


I suppose I like the taste of my food because I rarely decorate it - I do like soy sauce on my dimsims (steamed) - love them - probably not the best food in the world


It's almost criminally boring that so many TV shows now preach about this food or that food being bad for us -   most of us know - and even if we don't we don't care a whole lot


But if we do care - and I do - I eat a healthy variety of interesting food - and it seems you do the same


Not at all preachy - I love that word though



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @PeppiPatty, we all want our children to be happy , wishing them the right partners in life xx

Hi @Crazy_Bug_Lady, @Decadian, @NikNik, @eth

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Crazy_Bug_Lady,

I had a soak last night , I wish i had a bath tub tooo , our is a little square tub  in the shower

hope you had a good sleep last night , take care Heart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

TGIF Everyone!

Happy Friday. It's freezing here in Sydney, so I've made Beef Noodle Soup (aka Pho)!




How is everyone?


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

It's been pouring rain all day today, and it's cold here too! Winter is coming!!!
Nice cozy SpagBol (with fake mince) here for tea. Mmm....

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @NikNik
Your soup looks really nice. Wish I could have some
I'm having spaghetti. Not good today want to run away and disappear. I'm sorry
Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @NikNik

I Had a conference today, 750 ppl there on technology. it was interesting but found it exhausting being around so many unfamiliar people and places.

how was your week?
