01-01-2016 09:36 PM
01-01-2016 09:39 PM
01-01-2016 09:39 PM
Well i like SiFi, art house and forign movies, the last movie i saw at the cinema was the Matrix in 1999, i have not seen any modern movies, i don't like the computer effects in them, i like the old school movies from the 80's and 90's
01-01-2016 09:44 PM
01-01-2016 09:44 PM
@CherryBomb Sounds like a lot of work to see a film you are not that keen on. But then my ex husband once got me sitting through the 'Nightmare on Elm Street' series, which was an incredible feat given that I can't really hack horror movies.
Mostly my tastes are very similar to you with the movies, @Jacques. I'm into 'art' movies and foreign language but there isn't a cinema like that near here. I like history but more about stories set in different times rather than war movies. Some sci fi.
01-01-2016 10:08 PM
01-01-2016 10:08 PM
Haha @Mazarita, I think my partner will be watching it on his own!
I also like foreign films, but have no idea what's up to date. Hope you find a good movie to watch, and look forward to hearing about it.
In the mean time, I'm off to bed. So tired!
Good night y'all.
01-01-2016 10:10 PM
01-01-2016 10:10 PM
Goodnight everyone. I'm off too. Thanks for your company and sleep well.
01-01-2016 10:11 PM
01-01-2016 10:11 PM
01-01-2016 10:30 PM
01-01-2016 10:30 PM
Good night everyone, so tired , my husband is watching !Locked up ¬ , but i am off to bed , have a good sleep and see you all tomorriow , the second day of 2016
02-01-2016 12:04 PM
02-01-2016 12:04 PM
02-01-2016 12:19 PM
02-01-2016 12:19 PM
Thanks for the rec, @Former-Member. You are now the second person who has suggested that movie to me. Will see what partner wants to see too but might end up going to see Joy.
08-01-2016 06:30 PM
08-01-2016 06:30 PM
Who's hungry!?
This is what is on the menu at my house tonight.. might not look this good... but hopefully tasty.
What's everyone up to tonight?
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