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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @Crazy_Bug_Lady. Glad that you've ended the working week at the farm and now here with us. Love the temporary tatts. I for one am glad you are on the forum. I'd miss you otherwise!

Hi @Former-Member. Dinner here will be sandwiches later as I had a very late lunch, a yummy chicken and leak pie, home made at the good local pastry shop. 

Hi @Jacques. Thanks for the good wishes. I understand how you feel about posting at the moment but it's great that you dropped in to say hello anyway. Good to see you and hope you will stay around a while.

@Former-Member Great job on the week's activities. Mine has been fuller than usual too, mainly with mental health activities: peer worker visits, psychologist, support group all within the past couple of days, and then psychiatrist tomorrow. I really feel I'm getting some good rehabilitation support with all these people helping. It feels intense too but it's doing me good. Smoking reduction also continuing slowly week by week.

Great to see everyone and hi to anyone reading and not posting too. Cat Happy

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @Crazy_Bug_Lady Smiley Happy 

Sorry to hear you haven't found her Smiley Sad she has a great name though!

Oh no...that does not sound good at all. I hope you feel better soon. I can completely related about the haircut! My hairdresser cuts my hair shorter every time but I keep going back to her! I wonder why I feel the need to keep going back haha Smiley Very Happy


@Jacques, thanks for joining us! I agree with @Crazy_Bug_Lady, it would be great if you could stay and join us, but if you are feeling too nervous I understand if you just feel more confortable reading along. This is a fun thread and I'm sure you wouldn't say anything 'wrong'. We are all here to help support you Smiley Happy


@Former-Member, it sounds like you've had a busy week too! How did you go with the bikrim yoga? You were very brave to try it! And not only once but twice...great effort! I've been a regular yoga goer for a while now and still haven't plucked up the courage to go Smiley LOL 


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @Crazy_Bug_Lady Smiley Happy 

Sorry to hear you haven't found her Smiley Sad she has a great name though!

Oh no...that does not sound good at all. I hope you feel better soon. I can completely related about the haircut! My hairdresser cuts my hair shorter every time but I keep going back to her! I wonder why I feel the need to keep going back haha Smiley Very Happy


@Jacques, thanks for joining us! I agree with @Crazy_Bug_Lady, it would be great if you could stay and join us, but if you are feeling too nervous I understand if you just feel more confortable reading along. This is a fun thread and I'm sure you wouldn't say anything 'wrong'. We are all here to help support you Smiley Happy


@Former-Member, it sounds like you've had a busy week too! How did you go with the bikrim yoga? You were very brave to try it! And not only once but twice...great effort! I've been a regular yoga goer for a while now and still haven't plucked up the courage to go Smiley LOL 


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jacques....

Nice to 'see' you - please stay for a chat! I enjoy your company!

@Crazy_Bug_Lady sorry to hear about your bad haircut! I had a bad haircut in the past & because I was so unwell with a lot of stressors - I cut off all my hair with paper scissors to pixie cut length. I then had to go to a good hairdresser to get it fixed! It was a very painful process growing it out!! ... I also have frizzy hair - I'm trying to find a good vegan hair product to make it silky, but so far no luck!! 


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member - I just went to the hot yoga once. I did enjoy it. I was scared of going for several years - I thought it would be a LOT hotter than it was & had a fear that the heat would cause me to faint (I am prone to low blood pressure). I have been going to yoga twice a week (almost every week) for two months, since my last hospital admission. I have gone to yoga on & off for many years now. 

@Mazarita - I'm glad all the mental health support is beneficial for you!! Next week I see my psychiatrist & new psychologist on the same day! 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I cut my mum's hair, my first attempt while she was teaching me was a disaster, it was so short on one side and too long on the other, over time i have become pretty good at it, my hair often looks like i have been electrocuted, it is all over the place.


I have never been to a hair dresser because mum is a professional hairdresser, so i never needed to go to one.


I really miss you too @Former-Member, i will try to post some more, thank you for being so kind.  i really appreciate it.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques have you mastered how to cut your mum's hair now?

I don't think I could ever be a hairdresser! I always go to expensive hairdressers now, so I'm sure they will do a good job. I keep my hair long now, so all I need done is a trim twice a year. 

It would be very handy to have a mother who is a professional hairdresser!! 

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi all, hope you're all going ok

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Don't suppose anyone wants some cake???

My phone just buzzed a reminder to say it has been six (looong) months since I last SH'ed!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh yes, i am pretty good at cutting hair now, i just gave mum a haircut yesterday, she is a great teacher, she trained at schwarzkoph accademy in melbourne in the 70's.


It is good and bad, i have never been to a hairdresser, i often wonder what it is like ot be in one of those places.


it is funny you should say that, when mum was trainning she was practicing on her brothers hair, she bleached it and left it on a bit long and it turned green, he was 11 and had to go to school with green hair in the 70's, he has never forgotten it.


Oh yes, i get my hair cut every 2 weeks. no expense, it is great