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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Jacques, @Former-Member, xx

Hello @Former-Member and @natureoflife, what are you having for dinner tonight ??


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

So we have a nice array of pizza @Shaz51 and @Former-Member Smiley Happy

Good on you for looking after yourself @Jacques as well as important others - and thanks for bringing the chips!

That sounds very tasty @utopia, any left for me?

Oh my gosh @Former-Member a nut sauce pasta dish sounds amazing! Lovely that your partner is making you a surprise! By the way, I am also recovering from a dental procedure this week, not that much fun are they!

Let's add some birthday cake to the feast for @Lostboy Smiley Very Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Shaz nice to see you again, hope hubby is alright

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member. I'm doing okay. How are you.
In country Victoria we had 26° today. But tomorrow we will only get to 17°.
Thinking you must be in Tassie to be so cold. Or maybe a cool change has already hit your area.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Who would like a slice??

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shimmer. Only mash and a few vegies left over. I live with a 14 year old carnivor. So there is never any meat left over.
You should have seen him checking both plates - to make sure that his serving had the most meat! It always does. I make sure of that.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

...mums .. @utopia ...tell him you are on a diet maybe .. boys can feel uncomfortable getting 'mum' treatment ..not saying he wouldn't eat it tho lol

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Haha @utopia I can imagine him checking the plates! My housemate is similar, always willing to finish anything I don't get through! Smiley LOL

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

 Hi @Shimmer...

Actually had 2 wisdom teeth removed LAST week - Wednesday, so over a week & still in pain thus why I went in again today - not much they can do though for dry socket it seems... although I still was numbed & prodded - I used to be weird & enjoy the dentist - liked that something that could be fixed - I'll never be the same after this year though & having to wait & wait for public health & then yeah... sorry for going on about it.... No, @Shimmer - I agree now - not fun!

Seems like it is vegan basil pesto spaghetti - I think it will be amazing! I'll let you know...

Hope you catch up on sleep @Jacques - I had insomnia last night... more un-fun times...

Hi @Former-Member Heart hug Heart hope the kidlets are well & you are coping with all okay or even better - well? (Trying to be optimistic/cheery - feel like I'm being a whiner/overly pessimistic...) 

Ahimsa ~ Namaste,


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Jacques

Thank you my friend HeartHeart

Hubby has been very tired , exhausted after work , so i made him take a couple of afternoons off  and today he said he would love to give fridays away and don`t work on fridays anymore

apart from that, he is ok xx