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Re: Good Mo@rning!

I love Diablo 3, I haven't played the others. @greenpea
And yeh magic is a social game. That's one of the reasons I love it. I have made a few new friends since I rejoined semi-competitive.

Re: Good Mo@rning!

@The-red-centaur  If you could get your hands on the original Diablo and were able to play it somehow (hard if not impossible to play on modern computers) it is worth it. It is such an original and so different from any other game I have played.

Re: Good Mo@rning!

Good morning greenpea and trust you are well. May you have a pleasant weekend. Best wishes always. Bimby2.

Re: Good Mo@rning!

Re: Good Mo@rning!

@Shaz51  Good morning and hi Shaz51 :)xxx

Re: Good Mo@rning!

Good morning all @greenpea @Shaz51 @The-red-centaur @Bimby2 @Ant7 @Adge 

@outlander @Appleblossom @TAB @Former-Member @Zoe7 @eudemonism @Exoplanet 

 and all friends.

it's another quite date today, just watching supergirl series and crocheting. 

Hope you all have a great day.Tea and Donughts anyoneTea and Donughts anyone


Re: Good Mo@rning!

@greenpea @saturnzoon @Shaz51 @Bimby2 @The-red-centaur @TAB  good morning everyone. Just had a major anxiety attack for two days. Now slowly coming out of it. Wish you all a great day.

Re: Good Mo@rning!

@Meowmy  Hi Meowmy hoping that you are now feeling a bit calmer. Thinking of you. greenpea xxx

Re: Good Mo@rning!

Sorry to hear that @Meowmy hope you’re okay

Re: Good Mo@rning!

@TAB getting better,thanks very much.