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Re: @Re: Good Morning!

@HenryX   I used to get them all the time, now I get them occasionally. I do take medication for it. 

Re: @Re: Good Morning!


Hi Bluesboy,


When you mentioned that it was not quite morning, I thought that you may have been “over this side”.


Are there any thoughts or feelings associated with these events that you can identify?



Re: @Re: Good Morning!

@HenryX  I used to get them all the time, now I get them occasionally. I do take medication for it 

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @TAB 


That’s such a good idea Smiley Happy


I’m going to start saving my documents on a flash drive and then if all else fails, I can access the computers at my local library and retrieve my work Smiley Happy


Take care,


ShiningStar Heart

Re: @Re: Good Morning!

Hi @HenryX  no I don't that's  the weird thing about. They just come on for no apparent reason.  

Re: @Re: Good Morning!



I take medication for depression and although I've had panic attacks occasionally, I do think that the medication softens the effects somewhat. However, when I have experienced them, it has normally been associated with something that I have been worried about.

Re: @Re: Good Morning!

Hi @HenryX  thank you for the chat. I'm going to try and get some sleep.  Take care.   Bluesboy 

Re: Good Morning!

Can get really big SD cards as well up to 128GIGs @ShiningStar

Re: @Re: Good Morning!



I'm also off to bed, hope that you might consider becoming more active on the forum if you think it might suit you.


Pleased to have been able to chat with you


Goodnight @Bluesboy 



Re: @Re: Good Morning!

I started down the path of applying for it couple yrs ago then decided didn't need to @ShiningStar re NILs